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I was walking back to the music room with Ren. Last night was really fun with Kauru. I liked that he helped me face my fear.

As we open the door, everyone was dressed like Roman worriers. It was kinda cool but, why though.

"Umm, what's going on here?" Ren asks.

"It's cosplay! Now get dressed!" Hikaru and Kauru say taking turns. They push him towards the changing room leaving me behind. So I walk over to the couch and take a seat.

"Hey Hina!" I look up to my left to see Kauru.

"Oh, hi!"

"I had fun hanging out with you last nigh."

"I had fun with you too!" I smile at him.

"Can we hang out at your place aging on Saturday?"


"Hello Kauru! Would you like to ha e some tea. Over there!" I girl asks. She was the one from last time.

"Umm, sure! I guess so!" He sits up and they walk away. I look over at them to see they were having fun. Maybe that's the girl Kauru likes. No ones ever gonna like me anymore.

I than hear the door open. Everyone did. I look towards the door to see a boy coming in. It wasn't just any boy, it was that idiot again. The one that broke my heart. Yushin!

"Umm, hello! I'm new hear and I have no idea where I am."

"Hello there young sir. What's you name?" Tamaki asks.

"Oh I'm yu-" he stops as he spots me. I look away as fast as I can.

"Umm, your name!"

"Oh sorry, it's Yushin."

"So tell me, what are you looking for?"

"Umm I don't know! I don't even know what I'm supposed to do!"

"Well it's lunch time right now! What year are you?" Kyoya asks.

"Umm, I'm in first year." At that point, Ren was finished dressing in his costume. They finally spotted each other. Ren started running towards him. But I eventually stopped him. That's when everyone looked at us.

"YOU IDIOT!!" He yelled at Yushin!


"Stop it Ren! It doesn't matter anymore."

"Are you kidding me! He freaking cheated on you!"

Kauru's POV:
"Are you freaking kidding me! He cheated on you!" Wait, is that her ex.

"You were miserable for about a week. You wouldn't even eat."

"Ren just stop! It doesn't matter anymore." She finally calmed him down as he took a seat on the couch. I got up and ran towards Ren.

"Sorry sis, I'm just looking out for you."

"Umm, Hina?"

Back to Hina:
"Umm, Hina?" I turn around to see he was behind me.

"What do you want?" I say a little angry. "Just leave me alone!"

"Are you ok Ren?" Haruhi asks.

"What's wrong!" Hikaru came.

"It's nothing guys! Really!" I say. "Now, I'm gonna go! I'll be back in a little bit." I say running out of the room.

"HINA, WAIT!" Ren shouts. But I ignore. So much has happened today.

I run outside to the fountain and just sit there crying. Why, why is that stupid idiot here to ruin everything. I was happy the way I was. Now it's going to go back to the way it is.

"Umm, Hina!? Are you alright." I look up to see Kauru.

"No! Everything was going great here. Now it's going to go back the way it was. Miserable."

"Was that your umm, ex?"


"I'm going to make you a promise. If he's ever bothering you, I'll make sure he stays away. And I'll make sure everything is the way it is. Fun." All that made me blush. Why is he being so nice, doesn't he like that other girl.

"Thank you!" I hug him. Than he hugs me back.

"No problem. I want to make sure your happy." Once again, I'm blushing.

"Now, let's go back to the classroom. Ren is kinda worried about you." We stand up and walk back inside.

Once we enter, everyone looks over at me. And Yushin was still here.

"Hina!" Ren runs over hugging me.

"I'm sorry all this. I just wanna look out for my sister." He says as he pulls away.

"It's ok Ren, it's not your fault."

"Umm Ren, who did you say he was?" Tamaki asks.

"And why are so so made at him?" Hikaru says.

"His name is Yushin, he's Hina's ex. And the reason why I'm mad at him is because he cheated on her." Everyone than goes in shock. All except Kauru and Ren.

I look over at Yushin. He was just sadly sitting on the couch. At least Kauru will help me out. But I still don't get why he want to help me. It's obvious he likes that girl over there.

"I'm just gonna go now, I don't want it to be awkward in here." Yushin says as he leaves. That's good, I don't want him in here.

"Finally he's gone, I was about to break and punch him." Ren says.

"So, that's your ex-boyfriend." Tamaki said.

"And he cheated on you!" Kyoya finishes.

"He's a meany! He shouldn't hurt you like that." Honey says hugging me. I than feel someone touch my shoulder. I look up to see Mori.

"I'm gonna go somewhere and read. I'll be back later." I say as I leave the room and head towards the library.
I was in the library reading. I didn't want to stay in the room doing nothing and just sit there on the couch awkwardly. So I just came here to read.

"Umm, Hina!" I turn around to see Yushin.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry. About what happened back in the music room, and what happened a few weeks ago. I didn't know what I was doing."

"You knew exactly what you were doing. I though you were a nice guy. I guess I was wrong. You're just a jerk."

"Look, I'm sorry Hina. I really am. I broke up with her the day after. All I kept thinking about the past few weeks were you. So please, give me a second chance. I want to be with you. And only you." He sits down after saying the last part. He try's to take my hand but I pull away quickly.

"No Yushin! I don't want to be with you. You hurt me. A lot. I'm never going to forgive you. I never will." I say the last part running out of the library. I couldn't find any place to go so I just went out to the maze garden in a spot that had lots of shade. Why, why did he have to be here?

Kaoru falls in loveWhere stories live. Discover now