15. What Is He Doing Here?

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Haley was not sure of whether to be happy or mad. And honestly, her emotions were out of it.

“Haley, hi what a surprise to run into you here,” he says with a smile at her.

“Hi Casey. What do you want?” she says in a somewhat angry tone.

“Wait, why are you mad? Is something wrong?”

“Oh, you know that something is wrong! Something is definitely wrong!” Haley told him while pointing her finger at him.

“Haley, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Yes you do Casey! Thanks to you, my life is ruined and Stefano walked out on me! Thanks to you admitting that you like me.” Tears were appearing in her eyes right in front of him.

“I’m really sorry Haley. I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Yeah, well sorry isn’t going to change anything now, is it?”And in that moment she walked out of the door. Selena and Ashley looked back at Casey with a worried face. Casey then ran after her.

“Wait, Haley. What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting away from you for the rest of my life!”

“No, wait, Haley. Stop.” He then grabbed her from her arm and she looked back at him with an angry face. “Listen, I didn’t mean to get in between you two. I just wanted to let you know that I have always liked you and that you mean so much to me.”

“Stop, Casey stop! Let go of me!”

“Haley, I will never stop loving you.” He then embraces her in his arms and gives her a kiss. For some strange reason, Haley went along with it and continued to kiss Casey as well. Then, when they both pulled away, Haley couldn’t stop staring into his sweet, brown eyes. Casey looked back into hers and he could tell that Haley was back.

“Casey, are you serious?”

“Yes, Haley. I am dead serious. I have loved you since I met you, and I will always love you.” He held onto her hands meanwhile.

“Wow, you’re really sweet after all Casey.”

“What do you say we go back inside and have some dinner with just you and your best friends.”

“Sounds good to me.” Casey opens the door for her and even pulls out her chair for her.

“So, is everyone having a good time?” asks the DJ of the karaoke restaurant while everyone claps back at him. “Great, great. So, anyone out there willing to come up here and show us there natural talent? Huh?” Casey looks back at Haley and instantly got an idea.

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