Part 5

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- In the car -

I sat on the passenger's seat in his car and closed the door. Felt weird. I've never been in a car alone with a guy before.

I pulled the seat belt but it got stuck. I tried to pull harder but it's no use.

"Ah, sorry. I've been meaning to fix that." He leaned in over to my seat to pull the seat belt. I was a little surprised and I pressed my back on the seat. He pulled the seat belt easily then put it on for me like it was nothing.


"Well, maybe you'd like to thank me by telling me why you're crying there alone?" He started the car and started driving while I'm busy with my thoughts.

"Well?" He broke the silence after about 3 minutes.


"Why were you crying there alone?" He asked again.

"You're in a triangle right?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. We have been a triangle for a long time."

"How could you possibly stand that? I don't get it. I feel miserable when I'm in the middle of that stupid triangle."

He looked at me, confused for a second but then he smiled.

"So, this is about you, your perky best friend and that guy, huh?" I didn't answer his question. I already made it obvious I think.

"Well, I wanted to get out of my triangle too. But I care about them too much to pick one of them and hurt the other." He explained.

"How long are you planning on staying in that triangle?" I asked.

"Actually, I made my decisions over and over again." He paused. "But every time, I can't tell them about that decision. I don't wanna hurt anyone."

"And staying in a triangle doesn't hurt?" I ask again.

"What happen with your triangle?" He smiled and asked me. I thought he was gonna get angry at me.

"No more triangle." I smiled.

"He made a decision?" Thor asked. "Wow. So he chose your best friend over you and that's why you were crying?"

"Actually, no." I don't even know why I'm telling him about all this. But I can't stop myself. "I know he won't make a decision. And I don't wanna graduate high school, go to college, graduate college, start working, then one day turn 30 and find myself still stuck in that triangle."

"Huh.." He stared at me for a few seconds then looking at the street again.

"So, I made a decision." I finally said.

"You gave up the guy you like for your best friend? But you like him.. Why would you do that?"

"I lost myself for a while. And Riley, my best friend, helped me to find myself. And now that I'm me again. I may not know everything about what I want, but I know exactly what I don't want. I don't wanna be in the middle of a relationship between my best friend and her boyfriend."

"He could be your boyfriend."

"Not a chance."

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