Part 27

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"You feel like you have to compete to get attention?" Lucas asked.

"The people who care about me are Riley's family. So yeah, they'd put her first before me. Farkle has Smackle, Zay has Vanessa, and you.."

"I care about you, Maya."

"Yeah, but not until I started acting like Riley."

"That's not true. You've been my friend even before that."

"Before that you only have eyes for her. And even if you do care about me, for me. There will always a part of me that wonders if you'd change your mind and go after her."

"I won't."

"Don't say that when you're not sure. I know you. And I know her. She needs you. And there will come a time when she'd ask for you. And you wouldn't be able to say no."

"You don't know that."

"And you do?" I laughed a little.


"Can you guarantee that? Because I don't really have anything. If you want to be with me. I'd want you to stay. Period. Because I can't handle being left by someone I care about again."

I stared at Lucas. And he froze.

"See, you're not 100% sure."


"I'm a lot of work Lucas. Being with me is not gonna be easy. You know that. If you're not sure, then don't."

I sighed and walk to Thor.

"Can you drop me off at Riley's?"

"Sure. What about your guy?"

"Not my guy. can we please go now?"

"Okay, bye Tony." Thor stood up.

"Hi Tony, sorry for interrupting but I really need to go. And thanks for the pizza."

"Hi, Maya, right? He's right you look exactly like..."

"His sister. Yeah I know." I smiled.

"Come on." Thor smiled at me and Tony.

We walked out the hotel. Leaving Lucas behind.

Not long after that we arrived at Riley's.

"You want me to wait?"

"No. This might take a while."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, you should go home. Thanks for today."

"You call me if you need anything, okay?"


Girl Meets Maya HartWhere stories live. Discover now