•Boba Tea | Junkrat x Reader

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This one isn't gender specific.
Just kinda starting this one off with a little idea I came up with to start things off.

    Strawberry, green apple, passion fruit, and your favorite, mango. Bubble tea, or Boba tea as some call it, is your favorite thing to grab when you're absolutely bored and have nothing to do. The satisfying taste of it just fills you with joy and cheer. You weren't really all that expressive, but the tea brought those expressions right out of you! You felt confident. Just look at the beautiful mixture of colors and hues. The tapioca balls, or boba, being clearly visible and blends in very well with the different colors. It was your favorite part about it!

This small little cafe shop filled with a sweet little aroma that you can't seem to find anywhere else inspires you. It makes you look at how great life really is. Strange isn't it. You see the same people every afternoon enjoying their breakfast, lunch, or dinner enjoying every little part of life. They all seem to be really nice people too. Sometimes you would spark up a nice conversation with them since you felt so confident. Everyone is starting to get used to you being here everyday. People wave at you and you wave back the most cheerful way as you can. There was these two strange men with are always grouped together that you would see walk in every now and then, but you never really understood them that well. They were unique.

One of them was skinny, also he was really tall, I don't know what his name is. I know for sure that his friend, who by the way was also really tall and not to mention big, was named Mako. I honestly think the name is really cute for such a big guy. Mako. Huh, you don't see that everyday. His name doesn't really match him, and then again, it does in its own way. I wonder if he has any nicknames. What I wonder most though is what's the other guy's name. He looked so strange and weird to me and you couldn't really explain it. He looked very... Entertaining?

After all that thinking you began to notice that your tea was all gone. You checked you time to see if you have enough time to spare for another tea. You never stay for too long due to you always having plans with your friend. They're great. Even though you didn't agree to their plans,you were forced to hang out anyways because they knew you actually never have anything planned during the day. You were okay with it though. Hanging around them made you feel a little less lonely. Knowing you, if they didn't make plans, you'd be sitting in here all day drinking tea and eating cute little cakes if they'd let you.

Sighing, you get up to buy another Boba. Standing there looking at all of the flavors, you try to decide which one would you want. "Time to try out a new one?" You think to yourself. But what if you won't like it? What if it was all just a complete waste of money? Meh. You will just give it to your friend if it doesn't turn out the way that you wanted. You go ahead and flavor you've never had before and waited patiently near the cash register for them to finish.

The door behind you had made a little "ding" sound notifying everyone that has entered the cafe. You never looked back to see who it was but you knew exactly who it was.

"Oie! Mako, should we try the new flavor out?" You can't miss that Australian accent. Mako just grunted in agreement like he usually does.

The strange man ordered two Boba teas. One for him and his comrade. I guess the like it just as much as you do. You never saw them buy anything else while they were here. Maybe a small strawberry cheesecake on the way out and that was it. Both of them had stood behind you waiting for their orders and continued on their crazy conversation.

"Lena gave me this idea about a new bomb I should make!"

Everyone in the cafe immediately tensed up in fear after him mentioning something so crazy and out of the ordinary. Manko, noting all of the sudden glances and stares decided to step in.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about that here." Even though he doesn't talk all that much, he chose some wise words this time.

"Wait, just hear me out would ja? "Mako sighed as his cue for him to continue, "A bomb that makes you teleport in super speed. Great right?!" He started making jesters as if it was the greatest invention in the world.

After everyone has head the conversation between the two, their tenseness disappeared knowing that making something like that would be impossible.

"Here's your boba [mam/sir.]" as the colorful bob is being handed to you.

"Thank you. "

Just as you were talking back to your booth to set your tea down, the crazy Aussie began to stretch and accidentally bumped into you making you lose your grip on the tea. The tea had dropped and spilled everywhere.

"Strewth!" He yelled.

Now you were confused about two things. What just happened and What the heck is strewth.

"I'm so sorry!" He bends down to pick up the spilt plastic cub.
"I'll buy you another one!" He bang to turn back around to the register to play for another tea. You keep refusing his offer but he keep insisting. You stood there awkwardly after until he started a conversation.

"What's ya name?" He stared at you.

"[Y/N].." You say as you kid of are fidgeting and shyly

"That's a nice name ya got there! The name is Junkrat! Or you can just call me Jamison." He whispered the last part to you.

"This is Mako! Say hello Mako." mako just did a slight waving jester as if he's trying to as if he's trying not to care you.

Jamison grabbed his Boba and passed you yours.

"I'm afraid we gotta get going." He said as he began to walk towards the door.
"See ya later beaut!" You waved slightly at them as they left not realizing a single thing about what he had called you.

You sat down to recalculate everything that just happened. It all went so fast. You began to blush as you thought about the nickname he had given you.

You sat there for hours more until your friend called your sell phone.
After you didn't show up today, they began to worry if you were okay or not. You apologized to them for forgetting about the plans. But you still couldn't stop thinking about Jamison.


Thanks for reading! Honestly my hands hurt. There's like 1k words not including what I'm saying here.
Hope you enjoyed!
Please leave some requests in the comments or message me. If there's any spelling mistakes please tell me.
Thank you! ☆〜(ゝ。

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