•Until The Last Breath | Junkrat x Reader

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This one isn't gender specific.
It's going to pretty sad guys so prepare your pillows to cry in! Hopefully I didn't make it too sad. I'm like kind of bad writing sad stories. It's kind of in a weird perspective but anyways. Sorry it took me so long. Phone charger broke on me and had to use my dads. Art not by me. Requested by a friend of mine~

Junkrat, or Jamison which he prefers you to call him, has been there for you as long as you can remember. From children to now. He's still the same as ever. Joyful, excited, and curious as always. He's protected you from thick to thin. What would you do without him? He's been your best friend for so long that you almost feel bad for having a small crush on him. I guess anyone could get a crush from hanging out with someone who gets you for so long. You've never cared about that tiny crush though. You were just happy that he would stick with you no matter what. You feel selfish of taking advantage of that, but if he offered to stay around you, you'd take that opportunity in a heartbeat.

You were a playful child. Jamison liked that most about you. He thought you were just like him and because of that, he thought you two would be friends all the way to the end and now. And boy was he right. You guys have been best friends for decades. Sure, you guys have your moments where you fight or have your differences. That won't split you two up though. You guys were like two puzzle pieces attracted by a magnetic field that couldn't be stopped. Whether or not you didn't want to hang around him, he was always there for you. Maybe that's why you had a slight crush on him, besides the fact that he would flirt with you every now and then. Who knew that such a crazy guy would be so generous and caring?

As you two grew up, he began to notice that your not as playful anymore. You've mature, and he didn't. He was kind of upset about that. But then he began to notice, he had an advantage. He would make you laugh all the time at the most serious moment. Then every now and then he would bring out your inner childish side out. But it didn't last for very long. Sure, both of you guys have weird differences now, but that never stopped you two from having a good time together. Everyday was spent together laughing about nothing or just really serious talk about what's to come. Jamison's crazy personality makes you worried sometimes. You wonder, what would had happened if you never became friends with him and then no one else would because they're too scared? You don't like to think about that too much though. You're just glad he's not alone. You care about him too much for that to happen.

Months are going past at this point. You're beginning to be more tired than usual now. Jamison is beginning to notice too. He's worried and you don't want him to. You keep insisting that your fine but he isn't giving up. He knows how you don't want him to worry. He tried to tell you to go see a doctor to see if anything is the problem but you weren't going to give in that easy. Little moments like this reminds you of how much of a great guy he is. He's trying every trick up his sleeve to make you give in but at this point you know every trick in his book. Yet, he still keeps trying. Maybe you should check on yourself.

More months have gone pay and you've began to worry yourself. Asking yourself Is it to late? Should I tell him? Would he be mad? What am I going to do? You were scared. You went to the doctor like Jamison told you to do. But you did it without him just in case anything bad would happened. The worst happened in fact. You were diagnosed with a rare disease that was slowly eating away all of your tissues inside of you. You. You of all people. You were he one with this. One of the innocent bystanders. You didn't deserve this. No one deserves this. This is the cycle of life that is oh so cruel. Fear of what was going to happen to Junkrat when you were gone filled your mind. Out of impulse, instead of telling him, you decided to spend every second of the last two months you can have with him. You feel like you've betrayed him some how. Is it from not telling him? Or is it that you were leaving him behind all alone?

Instead of thinking of all of that, you lived your last days with him. You had one week to go and he's beginning to notice something is wrong. You would tear up at the slightest of fun you two would have. He'd wipe your tears and question what had gotten into you but you still responded with nothing. Guilt is beginning to fill every inch within you. Why You ask yourself. Why me. You wish you knew. We all wish we knew why the innocent gets treated this way. It wasn't fair. But you weren't being fair too. You decided to let Junkrat know. You felt like a idiot for waiting so long to tell him. But you were to scared.

You took Jamison into an area where you two can talk in private alone. You told him everything the doctor said. Word by word at some points. You knew he was angry and sad just by his silence. He was rarely silent. You hugged him hoping to get an reaction out of him. Of course he hugged back. But he hugged you like you were falling off a cliff and he would never let you go. He's so confused and scared. You hated seeing him suffer this way. But he was glad he got to spend every moment with you. He suspected something like this was happening so he made time just for you. He even denied being with Mako.

You both were sitting there crying your hearts out when you began to feel like your body was starting to drop and deteriorate. He still hung on to you knowing exactly what was happening. Your vision was slowly going away. You told him they you loved him since the day you've met. He just stared at you, tears running down his face not expecting that. Before everything went away, he too said

I love you.  

Junkrat- Overwatch Oneshots~•Where stories live. Discover now