Chapter Two

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My heart ached as memories played in the back of my head, everyone I met in my former guild...they won't remember me. After everything I've been through with them, I don't believe it. I really don't; Rufus may be able to make people forget the little things, but he isn't that powerful to force people to forget about a person entirely. I need to go back, maybe when Laxus comes back from retrieving my belongings I can ask him if I could go; before I could sit there patiently for my comrade to return, I heard the voice of Makarov Dreyar calling out to me. "Hey Geezer."

"I've noticed something off about you Nana. Is there something you're hiding from us, your current guild?" He sat down on the bar counter next to me. When Makarov announced that Laxus was invited back to the guild by their fifth master, I too was invited to join.

"You see, I'm heading to Crocus for the three months we have train because my sister has informed me that our father is looking for me after hearing that I was kicked out of my former guild. It will be no surprise that if I don't head home, he'll be extremely worried."

"Who's your father?" Makarov opened his right eye and looked up at me.

"I don't think that's important right now, but I'm sure you're going to find out when the Games start. I'm sorry master, it's just that I can't tell you, not yet. Please respect my decision," I sighed heavily.

"I understand, also I've noticed a few things between my grandson and you ever since you came here. He dropped this off earlier and told me to apologize that he couldn't be here to say the proper goodbye until the Games in three months," Makarov reached down behind the bar and handed me a suitcase.

"Oh, I was—"

"I've also heard the strangest thing from my good friend Yajima, he told me that Doranbolt recently visited Fiore's current greatest guild and informed them that one of their mage's had passed away recently, poor child. Yajima also told me that they were going to keep the death a secret from the public, don't you think that's a good idea? I mean, the friends of that person, I'm not sure if it was a wise decision for their master to want to keep it a secret like that." he sighed heavily as a lump in my throat formed and it became extremely hard for me to breathe. "Huh, Nana? Are you okay?" Having my guild think I'm dead rather than forgetting me completely was definitely better, but I was still bummed out. They accepted me into the guild, trained with me, and they cherished me.

"Yeah, I'm just going to miss Laxus, that's all. And yeah, you're grandson and I are really close. I guess you could say that I consider him as brotherly figure, he has been overly kind to me when I first met him and now that we're reunited after seven years...we're closer than ever," I cleared my throat and sighed heavily.

"You miss someone other than my grandson, a boyfriend perhaps?" He nudged me playfully as I shook my head.

"No, it's something else. Well, now that I have my belongings, I should head over to Crocus now. Mind opening this when you guys get to Crocus? I'd like to see you guys before the Games," I smiled softly, handing him an envelope that as enchanted only to be opened on the day before the Games (June 30, X791).

"Of course, but may I ask you something before you leave?"

"Of course Geezer," I laughed softly as I clutched my suitcase in my hand. "Anything."

"Is it true that you've fought with Jura during the Games every year for the last seven years?" He looked very serious and extremely concerned.

"Yes, but this year I'm sure the votes will change, at least...I hope. Oh yeah, Geezer! Are you going to enroll a second team, I heard that you'll get a better chance if you enroll two teams, sorry if that sounded rude."

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