Chapter Three

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"Rogue, since we finally reached Crocus, do you want to grab a bite to eat?" I asked the shadow dragon slayer as I blushed red and tried not to stammer while talking to him. We were both sixteen at the time, so that's when I started to have an interest in him. I've known him ever since I joined our guild, Sabertooth.

"Look, Rogue! I got my guild mark on the same shoulder as you!" My little twelve year old self giggled as the mysteriously quiet mage looked up at me with no expression.

"That's nice Tana," he spoke with a monotonous tone.

"It's Nana!" I frowned.

He still hasn't answered me, so I decided to give up. I didn't bother to ask again and looked away from him in disappointment, I need to get over this little crush or else it'll kill me. Those lunches and dinners we always had back home probably didn't mean anything. "Maybe after we finish our job, we will need as much time as possible to find those knights that got lost in the Palace of Perdition." My sister called me up and told me she needed me for an important job, so she contacted my guild master, Jiemma, to assign the job to me and whoever was up to aiding me in my mission.

"I understand," I need to remember that I can't let my feelings get the best of me right now, I'm doing this for my sister and those knights protected me when I still lived at the castle. The Palace of Perdition is a dreadful place where prisoners who are listed to be executed are sent, my father hired this band of executioners to handle the executions. Yet, people have heard about them and believe that they're just stories passed down to tell your children to behave or else they will be sent to the palace to be killed. My father didn't tell the executioners about my existence because he knew that I'd never be sent down there, but turns out I am going down there by choice.

"Don't be afraid," Rogue held my hand as I looked up at him with rosy cheeks. "I'm here with you."

"I wish you two the best of luck," my sister bowed her head as she spoke with a heavy heart. "Protect her please, she's a good friend of mine."

"I promise," Rogue squeezed my hand with assurance as I smiled softly at him. "Come on," he picked me up as he jumped into the trap door leading down into the deep man made cavernous maze. It was cold, dim, and eerie. I rubbed my shoulders as goosebumps ran up my arms and caused me to shiver. "Here," Rogue wrapped his cloak around my neck and also offered me his scarf, but I kindly declined. I didn't want to take all his layers of warmth.

"Why're you being so kind to me?" I asked as he grabbed me by the shoulders and smiled softly. "Huh?" I gasped.

"It would be wrong to mistreat you like our guild has," he pressed his forehead against mine and leaned in, kissing my lips ever so softly. I quickly pulled away and covered my mouth in utter shock, why? I know I liked the guy, but that didn't give him the right to overwhelm me like that! I shook my head and started to run away from him as fast as I could. "Nana, wait!" He chased after as a blizzard of paper shreds flew my way and stuck to my body, the purple sheets paralyzed me as I started to struggle.

"My, my, what do we have here Cosmos? A pair of lawbreakers," a woman with long, black hair that was tie into loose pony tails giggled at us as I clenched my fist as she sent another waved of paper my way; but, this time they're were scarlet red. The thin paper was ignited with flames as they singed my skin causing me to whimper in pain.

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