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Jack shut his journal after writing two pages of sorrow-filled sentences. Copper was sitting on his desk, staring at his journal. "What?" Jack asked, no emotion.

Copper chirped, flew behind him, and pulled Jack's shirt towards the bed. "What now? Whatever it is, I don't want to, Copper." Jack sighed, putting his head in his folded arms. Copper flew onto his elbow and nudged Jack's head with his body.

"Copper.. I'm not in the mood. Please," Jack pleaded. The bird grasped his shirt once again, pulling him to the bed. Jack finally gave in to the bird's request, and stood up. He followed the bird to the edge of the bed. Jack was going to sit down, before Copper bit his sleeve to turn him the other way.

Jack faced the mirror. His eyes had dark bags underneath them, and his hair was thinning and going gray. Copper flew to the top of the mirror, sat there, and chirped at Jack. "Yeah.. I know, I look horrible," Jack sighed.

Copper pointed his beak at the mirror and then back at Jack. "What do I see?" Jack asked, Copper chirped in response. "I see... a dirty, fat, ugly.. freak." Jack said with an emotionless tone. Copper flew to Jack and pecked his ear once again. "Ahh! Stop that!" He hit the bird off of his shoulder. Jack was getting angry, but he was more upset with himself for hitting Copper.

"Copper," Jack said, his voice breaking, and tears forming in his dull eyes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you... I'm just- I'm... I'm sorry, Copper." He broke down, curling up into a ball on the floor, wallowing in pity and self-hate.

Copper flew to the floor and weakly hopped to Jack. Jack turned to the bird to see he was limping, causing Jack to cry louder. The bird snuggled into his neck and tried to comfort Jack, letting him know that it was okay. Because everything is okay.

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