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One Year Later

Copper chirped in Jack's ear, waking him up. Jack sat up and stretched, "Mornin' Copper!" He smiled. Copper flew out of the room and into the kitchen, waiting for Jack to follow him.

Jack stood up and walked to the mirror he had in his room. He stared at his body intently. The mask he once wore is gone, and his body is healed and well-functioning. "I'm a good, healthy, nice person.." Jack smiled at himself. Copper flew in and grabbed his sleeve, tugging him.

"Okay, okay!" Jack giggled and skipped to the kitchen. He made pancakes and eggs with some orange juice on the side. He made a mini pancake for Copper to eat, and gave him some water in a tiny bowl. They ate at the table in peace, finally happy with who they are and what they've accomplished.

Jack was healthy; something he hasn't been in a long time. He gained weight, started socializing and inviting neighbors over to chat, went on jogs, runs, and walks. He even repainted his house with brighter colors. He was just an all around better person. All thanks to Copper.

After they finished with their meal, they went for their morning jog. Copper flew next to Jack, as they jogged up the street, to the park, and back. As soon as they reached home, Jack plopped down onto the couch. "Whew! That was tiring!" Jack exclaimed, panting. Copper wasn't nearly as tired, but still needed to freshen up. Copper flew into the kitchen and landed next to the sink. He turned the faucet with all the strength he had, and the water came rushing down.

Jack walked in, trying to help Copper get clean. He grabbed a little bit of soap on his fingers and rubbed Copper's feathers to clean him. Once Copper was fully bathed and rinsed off, he fluffed his feathers to rid the excess water, making him look like a big brown ball of floof. Jack picked Copper up, earning a happy chirp as he snuggled into his palm.

"Hey buddy, do you want to go on the roof later?" Jack smiled. Copper tweeted at him, making Jack chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes,"

After a few minutes, Copper was fully dry, and he flew to the shelf next to the fridge, pecking at it. Jack smiled and opened it, "Thanks bud." He said, grabbing the three bottles.

Jack finally decided to go to a doctor to get himself checked out eight months after he met Copper, and he got a few medications that he has to take daily. Copper always reminds him during the day, so he doesn't start acting up or getting emotional throughout the day.

Jack takes his pills, and goes back to his room. Copper follows close behind, and lands on his mirror. Jack stands in front of the mirror, and takes a large breath. "What do I see?" Jack asks. "I see... a humble, generous, attractive human being.." Jack exhaled deeply. Copper perked up, flying over to Jack's shoulder once again, and rubbing his head against his jawline. "Did I do it, little buddy?" Jack laughed, petting Copper. Copper chirped and flew onto the headboard.

"I think I'll take a nap." Jack sighed out, crashing onto the bed and falling asleep almost instantly.


Jack awoke peacefully, no sound in the house, and it was dark out. Copper was snuggled up in his little bed on the nightstand, obviously asleep. Jack stood up very slowly, trying not to make any sounds to alarm Copper. He successfully made his way down the hall without any suspicion. He was going to get a glass of water, but changed his mind as he saw the moon's glimmering light shine through the curtains on the windows.

Jack hesitantly grabbed the handle of his front door, opening it and gliding through without a trace. He shut the door and made his way to the tree. He smoothly climbed his way up the tree, and landed softly onto the roof. The pitter-patter of his feet, making him worried to accidentally awaken his friend. Jack made it to his usual spot, and sat there, gazing at the stars. It's been a little while since he's been up here. He misses it. He misses coming up here to enjoy and endure nature and its beauty. He misses his family. He misses everything. But he has a new life now. A better one. And he's going to keep it; savor it.

Then suddenly, Jack hears leaves rustling to the left of him. He was afraid at first, but he quickly regained strength to know that nothing could hurt him. He didn't want to think that. The suspension continued to build until it popped out onto his roof. A cat. A black cat, with a little bit of white. "Oh... hi little buddy," Jack whispered. The cat had green eyes and a little half mustache. It looked like it was wearing a tuxedo.

"You're a cute one, aren't ya?" The cat noticed his hand getting closer, and backed up a little. "A little shy, huh? Don't be scared. I won't bite." Jack laughed a bit. The cat slowly crept its way towards Jack and sniffed his finger. After getting used to his smell, the cat rubbed its face into Jack's hand, wanting to be pet.

"Aw," Jack thought, as he stared at the cat, petting it. "I'm gonna call you... Tux! Because it looks like you're wearing one!" Jack chuckled. The cat meowed and purred in response.

"Okay! Tux it is!" Jack exclaimed as the newly named cat, 'Tux', crawled into a ball on his lap.

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