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"What if I just... jumped. Jumped and ended my life now." Jack thought as he sat atop his roof. Nothing seems relevant to him anymore. He wasn't living, he was surviving, breathing; something he didn't want to do.

He wanted to be alone and stay alone. That's all he wanted. And that's what he got. And now he sits atop his roof every night, drowning in his lonesome sorrows. It was suffocating; in a good way.

"I'm bored, lonely, sad, depressed.." His thoughts continued. "My life's a mess," He shook his head, chuckling a small bit. "Maybe I should write." He finally decided, as he pulled out his journal along with his pen. He began to write.. not think. Just write. It's what he's best at. Or at least that's what he thinks.

"Oh, who am I kidding... I have nothing to give the world," Jack thought, as he put his pen back on the seam of his journal and tossed it to the side.

"I feel so weak, so vulnerable, and lifeless... I'm just another worthless nothing."

Was he? Was he just another fuck up, even at his age? Was his life worth living? The answer will forever be unknown, and for where it lies... that's for him to find out.

Jack doesn't like people, he never did. He's not an anti-social person, he's not an introvert nor an extrovert, he's a mixture between them all; an 'in between' type thing, as Jack would call it. He's a twenty-six year old male living in his lonely, yet lovely house in Athlone, Ireland. The roof is his best friend, and his therapist is his journal. He doesn't need people to accompany him. He's fine on his own, although it does get a bit lonely.

As Jack continued to overthink his life, he ended up in a fit of sobs, crying relentlessly as he whispered pathetic phrases to himself.

Then, he heard a little chirp. He looked up, his sad, red, puffy eyes look ahead of him to see a little sparrow standing there, tilting its head at him. He wiped his eyes and cheeks to rid the recent tears. The little bird chirped again, fluffing its feathers. Jack chuckled softly, putting his hand out towards the little thing, "You're a cute one, aren't ya?" The sparrow noticed his hand getting closer, and hopped backwards a few times to get a good distance.

"A little shy, huh?" Jack pulled his hand back. "I understand that, little buddy.. I have the same problem when meeting new people. That's why I stay away from them as much as possible," Jack looks at the bird, seeing it tilt its head again. "I'm talking to a bird. That's how pathetic my life is..." Jack laughs, but his laugh quickly turns into light cries.

The bird, confused and intrigued by Jack, hops forward a few times, stopping every couple of hops, and tilting its head to both sides. After standing in front of Jack's leg for a few moments, the small sparrow jumps onto his knee. "Not so shy now, are ya, little fella?" Jack chuckles, a few more tears escaping. The bird hops on his jeans; onto his thigh, to his hip, to his stomach, etcetera. Jack leans backwards slightly, wondering what the bird was going to do.

"Uh.. c-c..." Jack stumbled, as the bird was now standing on his chest. "Sparrow?" He tried to call the bird. It tilted its head once more, and flew off of Jack and back onto the roof. Jack sat up again, setting his palms on the roof behind him, keeping his balance steady. Jack suddenly gasped, "I need to give you a name! I'm going to call you... Philip!" He exclaimed. The bird stood there; no movement. "Steve?" Still nothing. "Um..." Jack had run out of ideas.

"Copper..?" The bird perked up. He started hopping in place, and even chirped a little bit. The newly named sparrow, 'Copper', flew onto Jack's shoulder and pecked his ear. "H-hey! Ow!" Jack scrunched up his shoulder, causing Copper to fly onto his lap and sit there.

"Okay! Copper it is!" Jack smiled, as the small bird snuggled up into a tiny ball, closing its eyes. Jack began to pet the bird softly with his index finger, trying not to discomfort the bird in any way. Copper was hesitant at first, but allowed Jack to pet him.

"I hope we stay friends... Copper."

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