Training sucks

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About a week after meeting my new uncle, I learned a few more things, like the name Nathaniel means Fire. And Micah means Miracle. I also learned a new meaning to the word torture. Training was gruesome! My sores have sores and I have a splitting headache that could, and probably will last a lifetime. Plus I don't really feel any different. Not a smidge stronger.
And though Nathaniel has been saying that's normal for a kid with no former training, I'm sure he's starting to realize the bull.

Yesterday we focused on my learning to fly. And Nate said, because of who I am and who I'm related to, should come naturally. In fact he says that one day I'll be able to fly without using my wings. A special ability available to Valkyries and higher angels. Which he is apparently.
According to him, an angel's wings are not just used for flying, but for combat. But that's a lesson for another day.
Our main goal today is learning to fight in general.
It was actually all pretty exciting at first. Then ya feel the pain.

I wish I could say that I have total faith in my abilities, like I would if this were football and we were doing something simple like bear crawls or running miles, but I don't. This is nothing like P.T.!
Everyday after school, I come to this abandoned warehouse on Fifth & Main, which is like 6 miles from my house by the way! And we start with Endurance/Aerobics. Which is really just Nate grabbing me by my legs and flying in the air. Testing how long it takes me to puke I guess. Next, we have Speed & Agility. Which I actually kind of enjoy, because it's the closest thing to regular excersize I'm getting! Then, last, but pretty much the total opposite of least, Strength/Combat training. According to my incessantly annoying inatructor, an angel masters a martial arts style every day. Yesterday was Jui Jitsu. Today, kick-boxing. Nate and I are stepping into the ring!

"You may be an angel warrior or whatever, but I was raised in Queens."

"Meaning what exactly?"

"Meaning. I'm about to kick your a-"

*Mike gets a roundhouse to the face.

"Sorry I didn't hear you?" Nathaniel said with a smug look on his face.

After pretty much a repeat of what happened over and over again, I finnaly got him! I got him with a check-hook right to the face! "How do you like that?" As Nathaniel got up feeling his jaw, he had a smile on his face.

"Time to get serious!" Then Nate sprouted his wings and I found out exactly what "serious" meant!

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