Ch. 9

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"Did you finally leave your wackass boyfriend for a musician. He looks a little young though" Mandy laughed "oh by the way here's the next people for photos"

"Jamie?" Fab said and my eyes widened

"Uhhhhhhhhh. MANDY I NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU" I said quickly and in a higher pitched voice and grabbed Mandy's wrist pulling her across the main lobby thing

"What's wrong with you?" She asked at my sudden weirdness

"White stripes, the stripes, YOU MEAN THE STROKES" I whisper yelled

"Ohhhhh yeah" she chuckled "I have bad memory you know that" she playfully slapped my arm "what's your problem with them anyways?"

"THE BASSIST IS MY EX BOYFRIEND. I WENT THROUGH SO MUCH HELL LEAVING NEW YORK TO COME BACK TO CALIFORNIA!" I held out my hand towards them but then realized they were looking so I put my arm down "Mandy, kid, you gotta do the photo shoot for me" I grabbed her shoulders

"We had a promise" she said crossing her arms

"I hate saying this, but I'm your boss, you gotta do what I say" I begged

"What are you gonna do? Fire me?" She laughed knowing I don't have the heart to do that to her "look you gotta face them one day or another Jamie, you can't hide yourself forever" I groaned and went over to the guys with a little smile

"It is you Jamie!" Nick laughed and hugged me

"You changed your hair" Julian said ruffling my hair and hugging me

"You have dirty blonde hair now" Albert said hugging me then Fab attacked me with a hug

"I miss you so much!" "We haven't heard from you in forever! For all we know you could have been dead!" And he gave me a big kiss on my cheek so I laughed. I squeezed him back then let go and I saw Niko

"Hi" I breathed out quietly and he gave me a small smile. Fuck it I'm going for it, so I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged back immediately. It felt so nice but also very guilty. I hadn't realized my eyes were closed and I was smiling so I quickly opened them and saw the other guys smirking at me so I cleared my throat patting his back indicating that we hugged for enough "maybe we should get on with the photos" I coughed awkwardly and they agreed // we finished taking the photos and was gonna walk away quickly but Julian called out

"Where do you think you're going" he laughed so I turned around

"Work" I said my voice getting slightly higher than normal since I tend to do that when I get nervous or I'm lying

"See, no, you're lying" he shook his finger at me smirking at me

"I don't know what you're talking about" I laughed nervously shaking my head a bit


"Okay guys I really do have work though. I got other people" I said my voice going back to normal

"What are you talking about, this was your last group today" Mandy rolled towards us in her office chair to get in our view. I very slowly turned my head towards with a smile and mouthed 'I'm going to kill you' with gliding my thumb across my throat so she put her hands up in defense and rolled back. I turned back around to see Fab has arms crossed and the rest are holding in a laugh besides Niko.

"I best go home to my boyfriend" I could tell me saying that hurt Niko but what can I do

"Let's walk you home" Albert said and I was screaming internally

"Um... my boyfriend wouldn't like that" I said softly

"You're boyfriend sounds controlling. Does he not trust you?" Nick asked

"No he does.... just gets a bit jealous when he sees me with other guys. His last relationship ended badly cause his girlfriend cheated on him so I can understand why he would get upset" I answered back scratching my arm. I realized I scratched my arm too much cause I reopened old scabs from scratching my arm so I used my hand to cover it trying not to let blood go down my arm. I mean it wasn't gushing blood but it was enough to have a little stream.

"Well we are in town for a little while so we will text you" Julian said "and yes we still have your number" he chuckled and I put on a small smile. I went to my desk putting on a bandaid and waved bye to them as they left. I looked at Mandy with a blank stare and she tried to open her mouth to speak but I cut her off

"Just get back to work kid" I sighed

"You won't regret it!" She shouted as I got my stuff to leave

"I bet I will!" I yelled back exiting and entering my car to go to home sweet home. // I opened the door and heard Stephen stop whatever he was doing and come out to the main living room where I was.

"Where is he?" He asked and I was confused "your fucking boy toy!" He yelled and I winced "I bet you're fucking him! You're a worthless piece of shit and I don't know why anyone would date you!" "I'm only dating you cause no one would EVER date you!" so I started to cry "stop crying you bitch! Go cry to your fuck buddy!"

"I'm not sleeping with anyone!" I yelled out crying and he got in my face

"You are trash and worthless to this world, it would be better if you just died" he whispered pointing his finger in my face "all of your 'friends' hate you, you're fucking fat, and your family thinks your a failed abortion" then my phone started ringing so Stephen answered it "what." He said coldly

"Is this Jamie's phone?" I could hear someone asked but I couldn't make out who

"This is her boyfriend what do you want"

"Well can I speak to her?" They asked so Stephen said 'no' and hung up. They called again but Stephen said that I better not answer it, so I didn't. I took a warm bath so wash my face from crying and just relax. Then I heard a knock at the door

"I'm sorry baby, you know I'm no good. I don't mean to hurt you, I just can't control this" he said outside the door like he was gonna cry so I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door to hug him. He stuff his head in between my neck and I ran my fingers through his hair

"It's okay. I still love you" I said kissing the top of his head and he started to cry

"I don't deserve your love" he sobbed so I shushed him. I kissed him and wiped his tears.

"Wanna to take a shower with me?" I asked. I didn't mean it in a sexual way, I mean a couple can look at each other naked and not take it as a sign of 'oh this means sex because we are naked' so I drained the tub of bath water and turned of the shower. He got undressed and we showered. We got out after we were done and fell asleep together. This was kinda like a routine, he sometimes would have outbursts and then he would feel bad and I would comfort him and we would fall asleep together. Do I ever feel like all those things he calls me even after apologizing? Definitely. Do I think he will ever stop? Not really. Am I used to this behaviour? Kinda, I still cry but I know what the routine is. Am I happy with my life? Yes? Do I feel not important and useless? Easy answer, yes. Do I love Stephen? Mhm..

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