Ch. 8

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Welp time has passed, and a lot. Let's see 1998 and now it's 2007. 9 years Jesus Christ. 27 years old, I feel so old but in reality I'm still pretty young. I was blessed by the gods and I have gotten a job with photography in those 9 years. It was a pretty big photography company and we got a lot famous people to have photo shoots. I woke up and quietly got ready for work. I wouldn't want to wake up Stephen, he can get pretty grumpy/scary in the morning. I take a quick shower, got out, put some concealer around my cheek because there was a bruise and then my regular makeup, then put on my clothes. I shake my head to let my hair look messy and I was ready to go. I stopped in the middle of the living room and looked at the spot where I had obtained my bruise. I was singing and dancing by myself till Stephen came in...... he came in the living room and I accidentally punched myself in the face because he scared me, that was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me in a while. I face palmed myself as I got in my car and drove to work. // "Sup Jamie, what is my beautiful idiot doing" Mandy said spinning in her office chair

"Work like we are supposed to do" I chuckled plopping down on my chair "who do we have today"

"Some people I don't remember but there's arctic monkeys? Some British band that's gotten a bit big in the UK but they travel. And some band the stripes ?"

"White stripes?" I questioned as she forgets quite often

"I believe so. Yeah"

"Oh shit I actually like them a lot" I smiled

"Okay how about you do the photos and I'll edit them" "and we'll switch tomorrow" she smiled. I squinted at her then gave in "And here you go" Mandy said pointing to 4 boys

"You're Arctic Monkeys?" I questioned them

"Yes that would be us" one of them said with a strong accent. I was taken back a little but then showed them to a makeup artist to touch them up a bit. When they were done they came out to the area and I set up my camera

"Okay I need you guys to laugh" I smiled and they did but it didn't look genuine "can you guys think of an inside joke or something to make it look more realistic" they took a minute and then I thought of something "is it that hard?" "Oh god that sounds so wrong" I laughed and they got it so they laughed as well. I took several pictures and smiled at my accomplishment. Dick jokes gets everyone. "Okay make a serious face" and they did // they finished their shoot and I gave the chip to Mandy to edit the photos I took.

"So uh how are you" one of those arctic monkeys members asked coming up to me. I chuckled out of confusing, with a face following it then replied

"I'm doing fine, how about you. Having a band must be fun huh" I crossed my arms and leaned on a wall near by, thinking that this may be a while

"Yeah we travel a lot and see many places, meet different people, such as yourself" he chuckled "I'm Matt by the way" he stuck his hand out

"I'm Jamie" I said shaking his hand

"Jamie?" He laughed out loud so one of his band mates answered back

"My mates name is Jamie too" he chuckled pointing to the kid with naturally rosy cheeks. Jamie came over and I shook his hand. // Matt's other band mates joined me in a conversation and we talked for a while until some other group showed up to take photos.

"Nice talking to you. Hope you guys like the photos I took" I smiled about to go but Matt stopped me

"Can we hang out sometime?" he asked nervously. I was gonna laugh and ask his age but I realized that's actually really mean so I just said sure and gave him my number. I went on through the day till I got a break so I checked my phone and saw I got a text from Matt. I texted back and he said to meet him and the rest of his band mates at a shop near by. It was close by so I just walked to the little restaurant. I entered and saw them immediately so I said hello.

"How do you like CA specifically?" I asked them taking a seat

"It's nice, there's a lot of beaches and it's sunny" Alex said "better than England, it's almost always cloudy"

"How did you get into photography?" Nick asked

"Woah" I breathed out laughing "long time ago. But I remember when I was in high school I took photography club but most of the time we would just show pictures we took then got high" I cringed out how old I sound when I say 'I remember when I was in high school'
"God I sound so old. Don't do drugs by the way kids, they're bad obviously" I chuckled. I thought back in high school and just shivered not wanting to remember it.

"We aren't that young" Matt said so I asked how old they were "21"

"You guys are 6 years younger than me, when you were in grade 6 I was graduating" I laughed then I got a phone call. I answered and it was Stephen "hey babe" I spoke and Matt's eyes widened as Alex laughed him while Nick and Jamie gave him sympathetic looks

"Who is that?" Stephen questioned so I excused myself to go outside

"Some band that I got a shoot of, they invited me out for lunch so I accepted" I said expecting the worse and I got it

"Are they guys?" I can hear the jealousy in his voice

"They're like 6 years younger than us sweetie don't get your panties in a twist" I said scratching my head sighing

"Don't talk to me like that. I bet you're sleeping with one of them you whore" he fumed

"Look I'm sorry. Just- I gotta go bye" I said and hung up, I was gonna hear a mouthful when I get home. He isn't always like this, he is amazing sometimes and I still love him even with his little outbursts. I shove my phone in my pocket and grabbed a fist full of my hair filling my cheeks with air then letting it out slowly. I looked through the window and say they were looking at me so I let go of my hair and composed myself and went back in with a smile "sorry my boyfriend had to tell my something important but it's all good" I said sitting back down

"Well you work with a lot of famous people and musicians, who do you like to listen to?" Matt asked

"The White Stripes, Weezer, a lot more I can't name all of them" I chuckled "anyone in particular for you guys" and Alex beamed

"I love The Strokes, I hope to meet and talk with them" he smiled and I scrunched up my face. That name is like a slap across my face and is something I don't want to touch upon "do you not like that band?" He asked

"No it's not that their music is bad, it's quite good honestly. It's a long story that I don't want to think about. Their name is like a sour note to me" I said scratching my arm "have you ever heard of The Velvet Underground?"

"I don't believe so" Nick answered

"Suck it and see, you'll never know if you like it or not" I said shrugging. I got a sandwich to eat something and then we talked till my break was over. I was going to walk back by myself but Matt offered to walk with me so I said sure. We laughed and joked along the way, it was really nice. We reached the building

"It was nice hanging out with you. Maybe we could do it again?" he asked. I thought about how my boyfriend would react but if he asks I'll just lie

"Sure sounds great" I smiled then gave him a hug and waved him bye as he left. I entered back in and was hit with a surprise.

{JESUS sorry this took so long to write. I have been having writers block and I get distracted easily so this was a toughy. Hopefully I can write the next chapter a bit quicker but I can't make promises. Liked how I added Arctic Monkeys into the mix 😉. If you're not a fan of arctic monkeys then it doesn't really matter but yup. Thank for all the reads by the way, I really do appreciate it}

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