Ch. 12

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"I don't know what to say!" I yelled

"Hopefully it's a yes?" He chuckled worried

"Yeah! Omg! I love you!" I squealed as he slipped on the ring so I kissed him. One thing led to another and basically our food went cold in the kitchen while Stephen and I did baby making things in the bedroom.

"Are you sure you don't want me to wear a condom?" Stephen asked

"Mmmm. Sure, I'm 27 and don't have any children yet. Just go" I said and after all that we fell asleep in each other's arms. // A week later I've been extremely busy with work but I got a day off today. The guys called me a couple times but it would only be brief talks then me going back to work or sleeping when I got home. People at work saw my ring and congratulated me. Mandy asked me if I told the guys yet and I shook my head, she told me to tell them and I said I would on my day off. I went to the store to grab a couple things like groceries (and pregnancy tests yikes.) I decided to call Niko

"Fabrizio speaking, Nikolai is currently in the shower" Fab said so I chuckled

"Hey Fab so uh. I have pretty important news" I sighed

"Important? Like 'important' or 'important important' which one" he laughed then heard I wasn't so cleared his throat "I'm guessing this is pretty serious?"

"I guess so. I don't know how you guys will react" I worried

"React? Do we need to go over?"

"No not really. I can say it over phone"

"No we're coming over" Fab said so I bit my lip

"I'll text you in 30. I'll see you then" I said them hung up. I got my stuff checked out and went home. I rushed up and immediately did a pregnancy test. It was a long painful 15 minutes but when I checked it was negative. I was confused and I did another, another painful 15 mins went and it showed positive. "What the fuck" I said out loud to myself. Finally I did a third one and it came out positive. So 2 positive and 1 negative. I'm pregnant.... Omfg. I smiled and jumped a bit then texted the guys to come. I was very nervous. // *knock knock knock* oh jeez that's them. I opened it up and Fab picked me up "FAB PUT ME DOWN NOW" I yelled worried and he backed off scared a bit that I was so scared.

"Are you okay?!" Julian asked with wide eyes

"Yeah I'll explain in a bit, just take a seat" I directed them to the couch and hand my hands behind my back "I don't really know how to break it nicely but..." And I pulled my hand from behind my back

"You're married!?" Nick

"Stephen proposed a week ago. Not technically married but we're working on it" I said. To EVERYONES surprise Niko was the first one to get up and hug me. I hugged back and smiled knowing that I won't feel guilty for Niko being completely in love with me. We may still care for each other but we can both move on. The rest hugged me and then I told them to wait. I looked myself in the mirror as I grabbed the test and his it behind my back walking out again "this is the reason why I didn't want you guys to pick me up or hug me hard" I said and shoved the test in front of me

"A MINI JAMIE OMG" Nick laughed hugging me and the rest did too

"I know this is a lot to take in, in just one day but these are 2 amazing things I've been waiting for since a child" I smiled. Albert lifted up my shirt a bit to right under my bra to see my stomach and I laughed "there's no bump yet, it's gonna take a while dumbasses" Niko knelt down next to my stomach and said

"You're gonna come out cursing like a sailor" and the rest laughed

"I'm so happy to have you guys here in the moment in my life" I said starting to get a bit emotional so I teared up

"AWW DONT CRY J" Fab said hugging me and the rest made it into a group hug

"I just feel so bad for blocking you guys out of my life for so long" I wiped my face as tears were coming out

"As long as we are all together now that's all that should matter" Nikolai said. The door opened and we turned toward it

"What the fuck!" Stephen yelled. I went in front of them then he yelled "OH MY GOD I THOUGHT WE WERE GETTING ROBBED OR SOMETHING" he held his hand to his chest and bent down "you guys shouldn't wear dark clothing it's fucking hot..... wait who the fuck are you"

"If we were getting robbed you probably shouldn't yell" I giggled "that's how you get killed or kidnapped" he kissed me and I smiled "well these are my friends and my ex. They are in the band The Strokes"

"Oh I've heard you on the radio before" "nice to meet you" "don't touch my wife" he squinted a bit

"Kinda late for that, you see in high school Niko here was the one she lost her virginity to-" Julian said nudging Niko but I cut him off shoving the pregnancy test in his face

"THATS AMAZING!" He said kissing me hard. I guess it was awkward for them cause one of them coughed out loud

"Sorry" I chuckled wiping my lips

"Why don't we celebrate. You don't drink obviously so we won't either, how about all of us go out like old friends and grab pizza" "it's our last day here anyways" Albert said


"Planning on telling you tomorrow cause we leave in the afternoon. Thought of dropping by your work before we leave, but this works too"

"I'll stay here, you guys go out" Stephen had a genuine smile "want you guys to be like high school days, I'll see you later" // We ate and laughed, we talked about everything in between that we weren't together for. It was really nice, but finally it was a goodbye. Surprisingly I wasn't the only one crying and they promised they would be back as soon as possible to see me get married when the time came...... and they kept that promise......

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