Ch. 10

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The next day I woke up then went to work. I got in my car are drove off but then a crash- a giant truck had slammed right into the drivers side. I died in the hospital and Nikolai went into depression......

Sorry guys I can't think anymore I have MAJOR writers block. You probably h8 me but I'm sorry 😕

Lol jk. Anyways back to the story


I was on my lunch break the next day when I got a call so I picked it up "Jamie are you okay?" They asked right away so I jumped a bit

"Who is this?" I questioned

"Nikolai...." He said

"Oh hey Niko" I said "Yeah I'm fine why do you ask?"

"Well yesterday Julian called and said that it seems like your boyfriend was yelling from the angry tone in his voice and he could have sworn that he heard crying. Also he wouldn't let you on the phone" he said in a sad low voice

"Uhh... we were just watching a movie and the girl was crying in it" "and he just naturally sounds mad sometimes" I lied

"Does he..... hurt you Jamie" "do you need help?" He asked so I let out a small gasp

"No he would never lay a finger on me!" I mean it's true, he may yell at me but he would never abuse me

"Okay I just still care for you" he said and I was quiet "AS A FRIEND THAT IS" he frantically said realizing how he just sounded so I chuckled "wanna meet up for a drink after you're done with work so, you know, we can catch up?" He asked nervously

"Sure I'm fine with that" I smiled "just text me where to meet up and I'll meet you there"

Nikolai's POV

I was nervous of what is going to happen when we talk, is she really happy with her boyfriend? I felt like she was lying to me but I trust her not to do that to us. "So apparently they were watching a movie" I said to Julian and the guys

"It sounded like her" Julian said

"Maybe she sounds like the movie" Albert pitched in

"Well I'm going to meet her for a drink later" I said plopping down on the couch next to Nick

"Stealing her back huh" Nick nudged me with his elbow smirking

"No just talking. She has a boyfriend" I said "how are your guys' lives huh?" I asked to get off the topic. It made me sad to think that she's not mine.

"Can't get here back unless you try Niko, also stop trying to change the subject" Fab chimed in "but since you're on the topic. Guess who met a girl" Fab smiled bouncing around a bit so I chuckled

"Me?" Albert said messing with Fab

"No fucktard. Me" "her names Natalie. Met her in Subway, she works there. She's" Fab spaced off trying to find a word "wow. She's wow"

"Damn you falling hard?" I asked and he was still spacing off with a smile so I took that as a yes

"Met 2 girls in a bar, both different times though" Julian spoke

"I call one of theM!" Nick shouts "describe them" so Julian chuckled

"Well one of them is named Lily and the other is Katherine or Kat for short" "Lily is out going, has awesome bright eyes, really pretty, and can sing" "Kat is shyer but still great, has pretty eyes even if brown, also really pretty, and can also sing"

"Can I have both" Nick raised his hand up like if he was in a class

"NO!" "Fuck you maybe I'll keep them to myself" Julian acted like a child crossing his arms. Soon enough both of them were wrestling, they weren't really mad at each other, just a little roughhousing. It was funny to watch them squirm around on the floor in all honesty. After them playing around and me n Albert talking about how we are lonely then ordering food I realized that Jamie finished work about 30 minutes ago. Yikes time goes by fast when you're whining. I called Jamie and she answered

"Hello?" She asked down the line so I smiled

"So still up for that drink?" and she laughed

"Sure I'll be there in a bit" "..... just gotta do something quick"

"Okay see you in 10" I said ending the call

Jamie's POV

I looked for Stephen and saw he was reading a book

"I'm going out" I said cautiously

"With who?" He said in a soft tone. Good that means he's in a good mood

"Some old guy friend. Haven't seen him in a while" I partially lied, probably would have been worried

"Okay have fun" he said going back to his book so I smiled and left

Yeah yeah yeah I know a filler but I may have an idea to close this up but I'm not sure also I know they aren't married yet in this fanfic when IRL some would have been by then but fuck you I'll write however i want to. Jk love you all thanks for the reads ❤️
Now back to this bitch.... who are gonna read my fanfic. What's good internet friends. WYD READING MY SHITTY ASS FANFIC. STOP. NO

Lol you're welcome btw to some of my internet friends for making your dreams come true in a tiny section though lol

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Lol you're welcome btw to some of my internet friends for making your dreams come true in a tiny section though lol. Appreciate it. Too lazy to write more though so boo. Omg I'm re-reading this to see any typos and I'm cringing, help...

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