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A/N: I know this is probably the worst Murphamy fanfiction, but at least it has some plot ^.^ It'll make my day if you maybe vote or comment haha. By the way, the adults haven't come to Earth yet.

I own nothing in a non-criminal way


*Third Person*

Murphy scowls at himself, walking back to his tent outside the dropship. He closes the flap, making sure no one decides to randomly come inside.

Though his plan doesn't work, and Clarke comes stumbling in.

Murphy sighs, not looking up from his bloody fist. "What do you want, Princ-"

"What the hell was that about Murphy?" Clarke asks in her usual athoritave voice, glaring at Murphy.

Murphy narrowed his eyes, forcing a smirk to not seem bothered by the blonde's demands.

"This your first time in a rodeo, sweetheart?"

Clarke rolls her eyes and comes closer to Murphy, wanting to examine the glass shards in the back of his hand.

Murphy pulls his hand away, still smirking. "I don't need you to make me feel better, Princess."

She tries to grab for Murphy's hand again, but to no avail.

"Just go, Clarke. Run back to your little Prince." Murphy says defensively, really not in the mood for Clarke right now.

Clarke sighs and Murphy glances at her. His icy blue eyes peirce through her sad ones.

Wait, sad?!

Murphy thinks, anger bubbling inside of him. When the Princess leaves, he mutters to himself, "I don't need your pity.."


A couple hours later, it's almost Murphy's time to keep watch.

Bellamy sighs, not having seen Murphy for the past few hours. Not since dinner, at least.

The raven haired teen spots Clarke talking to Jasper and Monty. (A/n: because everyone ships Jonty)

Bellamy doesn't need to say anything because Clarke is already coming towards him, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Something wrong?" She asks, standing in front of the older teen.

"Nah, I was just wondering what's up with Murphy. He made quite a scene earlier." Bellamy has no idea why, which is partially good on Murphy's side.

Clarke nodded, "I checked on him after that, to fix his hand. He wouldn't let me. Bell, I think you should go talk to him."

The blonde's words rang in his ears.

I haven't talked to him since...

Bellamy shrugged off the thought before going towards Murphy's tent. He was only going to tell him that it's his turn to watch.

Once Bellamy was outside Murphy's small tent, he said, "Murphy, it's your turn to watch."

It's not the best thing to say after days of getting hung, but oh well. Bellamy was tired and he just wanted to get some sleep.

Bellamy waited a few seconds, hearing no response. He sighed softly, and quietly opened the flap to the younger's tent.

When Bellamy entered, he wasn't surprised to see the other boy sleeping on his side towards the entry of the tent.

Bellamy rubbed the back of his neck, not really wanting to wake him up. He looked more closely at him. To his surprise, the sleeping teen doesn't look as if he wants to resort to violence. Instead he looks peaceful, his chest rising up and down slowly, his snores kinda cute.

The older teen shakes his head, deciding to wake him up.

"Murphy." He says, hesitating before shaking his shoulder slightly.

This seems to do the trick.

Murphy stirs a bit, yawning softly and sitting up some. He opens his eyes a bit, looking straight at Bellamy.

And just like that, his cute little demeanor changes back to reality.

"What the hell do you want Bellamy?" Murphy snaps at the older boy, not really meaning to but it just happens because he's Murphy.

Bellamy sighs again, getting up as he says, "It's time for you to watch."

Bellamy is almost out of the tent before Murphy panics. "Bell, wait.." he says, also not really meaning to.

Bellamy stops and looks over his toned shoulder. "Yes, Murphy?"

"I..." the younger boy says, not really knowing what to say.

Bellamy narrows his eyes before stepping out of the tent.

"I'm sorry." Murphy blurts out, instantly covering his mouth and cursing at himself.

The older boy turns around to look at Murphy with his chocolate brown eyes, full of.. pain? "It's too late for that, John."

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