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Warning: This chapter does contain depression, self-harm, and broken hearts :[ poor Murphy.. (pretty detailed too..)


Bellamy finally left Murphy's tent, leaving the young boy to do nothing but watch out for Grounders. The moment Bellamy has said what he said, Murphy's heart fell.

He tried to forget about it over the next few days. But he can't. When he goes to sleep, all he sees is those painful look in Bellamy's eyes.

This makes Murphy ask him many questions that he can't really answer.

Do I.. love him?
Does he hate me?
Is it really too late?
Am I really that messed up?

Murphy can't help but think these thoughts. These.. painful thoughts filled with emotion.

The day after Bellamy had left his tent, Murphy went into the woods. He sat in front of a large tree, his slender back leaning against it.

Murphy takes a deep shaky breath, taking his black knife into his scared hand.

He dug the knife into his wrist, cutting the sensitive skin only a little deep. As he saw the blood come up, he closed his eyes shut. "This is for Bellamy."

Another cut. "Weakness.."

Six semi-deep cuts were on his arm. Murphy was now crying, bringing up his knees to his chin and hiding his ashamed tear-steaken face.


*The next day*

Murphy, Bellamy, and a couple other people walked through the gravel, coming upon a cliff.

(A/n: I'm changing the plot a little, so there is no girl that Bellamy saves on the side of the cliff, and adults weren't there)

Bellamy and the others stop to look down the cliff seeing if there is anything down there. They see a broken up station of the Ark.

The raven haired boy gets distracted, and, sadly, slips off the cliff.

The others gasp, Murphy shouting out, "Bellamy!"

To the groups relief, they can see Bellamy grunting, his jaw clenching from holding himself up on a tree branch.

"A little help here would be nice." Bellamy says, still being cocky while having almost died.

Murphy smirked, and after a few moments him and the rest of the group got the rope tied together.

Everyone lined up to pull Bellamy up. "Okay! On three. One, two, three!"

Murphy pulled back on the rope. Bellamy wasn't heavy, he just had a lot of a muscle.

They kept pulling Bellamy up, Murphy panting and wincing. His scars were opening up, bleeding a little as it was streched.

And just like that, the rope broke between Murphy and the others.

"Shit!" Murphy cursed out loud, pulling between the two ropes. If he let go, Bellamy would fall to his death. And Murphy definitely didn't want that.

Everything was happening so fast, Murphy couldn't think. All he could think of was not letting the rope go, to use all his strength.

Soon enough, the other guys helped to pull up Bellamy.


Bellamy was finally up on the ground, panting. Murphy fell to his knees, looking at his wrist.

Bellamy looked up at Murphy, newfound trust in his eyes. Murphy narrowed his eyes, about to pull down his sleeve to hide his earlier scars.

It didn't go unnoticed though. "Murphy, what happened?" Bellamy asked, concern laced in his rough voice.

Murphy scoffed, "Nothing." Murphy was about to get up, but Bellamy grabbed his right arm, pulling him over to look at his now bleeding wrist.

The older teen lightly brushed his finger over Murphy's scars, causing Murphy to wince.

"What is this?" Bellamy asked, though he definitely had an idea.

Murphy said nothing, looking at the older teen.

"When we get back, me and you are going to talk in private in the dropship. Understand?"

Murphy would usually be way more excited for the older teen to say this, but not now. Nonetheless, he nodded very slightly, Bellamy gently letting go of his arm.


*Bellamy's P.O.V*

Why would Murphy do this to himself?

I lead the group back to the dropship, Clarke asking what was wrong.

I shake my head and brush it off, grabbing the collar of Murphy and lead him into the dropship.

Once we got inside, the younger teen pushed me off, turning around and sighing.

"Murphy let me see your arm..." I say, my tone soft as to not scare the younger teen away.

Murphy sighed again, turning around and holding out his arm. I grab it gently, looking over his scars.

"When?" I say, not really actually knowing what to say. Murphy must feel the same way..

"Two days ago." He said, narrowing his eyes. He took his arm away. "It's not a big deal, Bellamy."

I ignore what he said and ask, "Why? Why would you do this to yourself?"

Murphy suddenly glares at me, making me flinch.

"As if you'd care. You never care! Why can't you jus-"

And just like that, I kissed him.

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