Day 3

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Ryan POV

I wake up to find Alice in my arms, us lying on the floor. I stretch, yawn, and then wake her up.

"Hey Ryan are you ever going to put a shirt on?" Alec ask groggily, hardly awake.

"Are you gonna to put anything on?" I ask with a laugh. He look down, eyes wide, realizing he's only in his boxer. He's blood red. Me and Alice laugh as he goes running to his room.

I go to my room putting on my black shirt, comb my now eye covering, dyed black hair, calling everyone into my room.

"Ok guys" I say as they are walking in. "Get ready to be mine blown." I open my closet door, parting my clothes, and press a button on the wall, making one of my drawers unlock.

I smile at thier confused faces. I open the drawer and there is a wide arrangement of knives, guns, and bombs.

"You know all those time me and dad went out at nights and coming through the back. Well this is what we've been doing," I say.

"Ryan this.... this is amazing!" Alec says in awe. Alice just stares with her mouth open.

"But there's more," I say as I flip a switch in the drawer. "You know how the people lived here before us, left this here and it didn't move?" I ask.

"Yeah so what about it," Alec said.

"Well this is why," I said as I push the dresser over to reveal a trap door. Opening the trapdoor shows a small, wooden staircase. I walked down it and turn on the light.

At the end of the stairs is a firm steel door. "Ok behind this door is a secret. No one but us should know about it," I say.

They no and I open the door. The look on their faces are priceless.

Behind the doors are rows of shelves filled to the top with guns, from a Glock 17 to a flamethrower. Knives ranging from a pocket knife to a katana. There's bombs from a simple hand Granade to heavy duty explosive. There even a scythe.

"Get what you want guy. It's all ours," I say.

"Like... Whoa," Alec says as he start walking to the shelves. I look at Alice and she's already packing things into bookbags, with a knife between her teeth, katana by her side. "You look hotter when you're in apocalypse mode," I say to her.

Suddenly I hear knocking coming from upstairs. We all stop and listen. It sounds more like a pounding.

Well, is someone going to go up there and see who it is?" Alice asks.

I look up at her and scowl. I walk up stairs, putting my hand on my holster, taking out the gun the cop gave me. I walk up to the door, holding my breath, and look out the peephole.

I see a girl, with short, almost solve hair, purple eyes (contacts maybe?) in a long white dress along with with a guy with red hair, dark blue eyes, a green tee, and jeans.

I open the door in a crack and ask "who-who are you?"

"I'm angel and this is Alex," the girl says.

"What do you want?" I ask, opening the door some more. I finally get a good look at them and I see that boy has a big gash on his arm. "He's bit we can't take him."

"Look all I want... is go someone to kill me," Alex says. I stare at him like he's crazy. "Or give me a gun and ill do it myself."

I sigh and open the door all the way. "Come on in and I will call the other. I turn around to find out they're already there.

"This guy was bit. He doesn't have much time. He wants us to shoot him," i say.

"Well we're not gonna shoot you that's for sure," Alice says.

"I agree, no ones going to be shooting anybody here. Living that is," I say as I put down my gun. "You can stay with us until you turn, we have food and water, power, weapons. You'll be safe with us."

"Well..." Alex say but Angel cuts him off.

"Thank you, but that's wont be necessary. All we need is a weapon," she says.

I look at Alice and back at Angel. "What do you want?" I ask.

She points at the gun in my hand " that one" she says sternly.

I look at her in the eye and slowly hand her the gun. She takes it, checks the ammo, cocks it, and fires it.

I hold the door as she closes the door and locks it. We're all inside when she says "Is this really the last sound you want to hear before you die? huh?! look outside. Is that what you want to become?!"

Alex shakes his head "well what elese am I suppose to do?! you've seen what's out there! I can't become one of them. I just.... can't."

"Want me to do it for?" angel ask. Alex nods.

Angel takes Alex by the jaw, putting her ham behind his hand, and jerks.


I'm going to miss you Alex.


Authors note

Yeah I know what you're saying I introduce him and then I killed him but that is how cruel this world is.

Just for the heads up the days are like chapters so I will be skipping day soon when something happens cause I don't wanna bore you by writing the same thing over and over again.

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