Day 4

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Alice POV

Angel looked at us, frowning. "Wouldn't you have done the same thing? He was bit. What elese could we have done?" She said.

"I would've looked for some way to help him," Ryan said. I just nodded my head. No one said anything for a while.

Suddenly she looked at us with wide eyes. "I have no one left in my family that I know of and I have no place to stay..." angel trails off.

" She stay here!" Alec said, looking happy, but frowned an sat back down as Ryan glared at him.

"We'll we just can't send her to the curb! she'll die!" I say.

"But we don't know her. She could be a murderer! hell she could be bit!" Ryan says.

"I'm not bit" she says "I would've told you by now."

"Fine! you can stay," Ryan says. "But only for a little while."

"Do you have any weapon," I ask.

"Only my hands and feet," angel replies matter of factly.

"Alec go get her a weapon. A pistol and a knife." Ryan tells him. He nods and goes to the armory room.

"So what's your problem?" Angel laughs at Ryan. I stare her down with daggers.

"It's just I can't afford to loose then" Ryan says as he looks at me. I blush an smile at him.

"So... you guys have a thing huh" angel sneers.

Ryan says no and I say yes. I say "no" really fast. Ryan looks at me and frowns.

"Wait I forgot something at my apartment I need it!" Angel says jumping to the door.

"What?! wait a bloody minute if you go out there your dead!" I shout out.

"Alice is right. What did you forget" Ryan asks.

"My...... It's a book I need" Angel pleads.

Ryan looks at her an stares then at me and say "what do you think?"

I stare at Ryan soaking up his features. This might be the last time I see him. His lips, his eyes.... "I'll go with her," I say.

I pick a desert eagle, three throwing knives, and katana in the armory.

"Why are you doing this? You know you don't have to go," Ryan says as he comes down and sits on the steps.

"I have to," I murmur. How do I say goodbye to the man I love? I walk over to him and see his shoulders slumped in defeat "Ryan" I whisper. Ryan head lifts and I see tears threatening to fall.

"Why did you say yes when she asked if we had a thing?" Ryan says looking vulnerable. All I can think about is those trembling lips.

Well I um.... Because I-I" I start to say but Angel cuts me off.

"Come on! we gotta hurry!" she says, already out the door.

"So where's your apartment?" I walk out of Ryan's apartment.

"It's on the first floor" Angel glances at me. "So you two... Aren't dating?" she asks.

"We both said no and I don't liked to be questioned. We were never datin," I growl as we walk to the stairs.

"Geesh I was just asking dont bite my head off" she snaps back. We walk down the stairs an I pull my katana out as loud groans, grunts and moans come from the first floors door.

"Which apartment," I whisper.

I grip my katana a the noises die down.

First door on the left its open" Angel whisper. Alright... Show time!

I pull open the door a crack and my eyes find the first door on the left. There's about five zombies all the way on the other side of the hall. I can make it. I motion for us to run. We bolt bolt down the hall and barge into the door.

"Close it!" she says as starts to go toward a door.

I shut the door and look around the apartment. Wow it's a real piece of crap. Angel walks out and sneers at me.

"Look at you pathetic, I really thought you were smarter." Angel sighs.

"What" I furrowed my eyes in a confused look.

"Can't you see Ryan is madly in love with you," she sneers.

"Just get whatever you came here for." I growl.

"Fine," Angel says. She walks through a door but comes out screaming.

"What is it?" I whisper as she hides behind me.

"My little brother," Angel says hurriedly. I look at the door and see a small little boy walk out. The left side of his face is torn an it hangs limply in shreds. His arms are bruised and on the side of his torso his intestines are hanging out.

"Oh god," I hiss as I pull katana to my front.

Suddenly he runs to me and I make a quick slice with my sword and his body slumps down. His head plops and rolls.

"What the hell man! That was my little brother," she says.

"Empathic on was," I shoved her back.

"He's... he's gone now" Angel Burst into sobs. Not just silent sobs but shrieking sobs.

"Shut up your gonna-" I get cut off by the front door gets busted down. Oh no it's a herd of them. I look to my left and in a blink of an eye. I jump over the counter and be quiet.

"Hey what about..... wait help me! help!" angel shrieks. I peek as I see all the zombies start to attack her. "NO" she shrieks.

I crawl to the end of the counter and peek around and see all the zombies start to tear her flesh. Blood flys and I get sprayed by blood.

"Help agh!!" Angel agonizing screams acho through the apartment. I get up and run out the door. A zombie grabs my ankle I trip hard falling hard on the floor. I grab my knife from my boot and drive it into the zombies eye busting it and puncturing brain. Blood trickles down my face and clothes soaking my shirt and pants. Keep running!

I get up and make it to the stairwell. As I burst through the third floor doors a zombie grabs me but before he can bite me I grab my katanas, push him off and behead him.

I walk to Ryan's door an knock. As he opens the door he says "bloody hell what happened to you?"

I start to tear up and I break protocol as I lunge myself to Ryan. He rubs my back as I sob into his chest.


Authors note

I hate this chapter. So much depressing. I love this whole story though. So much more to come. Remember vote, comment, and recommend. Thanks!!

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