Tour. G

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(ok so this was kinda based off of @graysonslaughter bc of a thing she said in her 4ou experience LUCKY ASS BITCH lmaoo go check her out she is pretty fucking cool so ya i hope she doesn't get mad or anything that i'm using like 2 lines from her book lmao)

*clean* *kinda long sorry*

Gabby's POV

So today my little sister and i are going to a tour called 4ou. Who was The Dolan Twins and Alex Aiono. I wasn't the best fan, but i wasn't a fake fan, trust me, i don't like losing twitter fights. Since my little sister gets everything she got, vip, and front row spots. yay. I barely know them. We live in LA, in the same apartment as them, not like i saw the same carpeting and freaked out or anything pshhhh. I haven't told anyone tho, i wanna keep them safe... yea safe. Also, my mom knows Kyle, their bodyguard/manager person, he was like a second dad to me he was the best. The reason i came is because i'm the only one that could drive. 


The show had started (IDK HOW IT GOES BC I CAN'T GO AND THE VIDS SUCK AND YOU CAN ONLY HEAR SCREAMING OK I'M JUST GUESS HOW IT GOES) SO much was happening until the crowd got a bit quiet while the twins started answering twitter questions. I wasn't paying attention, i was admiring Grayson, yes i can tell them apart.  I never noticed how He was just so fucking hot, sexy, and handsome as fuck. Out of nowhere, Grayson stared back. I was so shocked and scared. I quickly read the question on the board, " What's one word to describe your fans?" I looked back at grayson and leaned my stomach against the rail. He was staring right at me then he said, "Sexy" I lightly gasp as i see him chuckle and smirk, he looked away after that, glancing at me here and there. 

After The show, grayson and i made eye contact as he walked off stage. My sister and i didn't get, to 'meet and greet' aka just take a picture. The reason because we got the only 2 passes to hang out with them after the show and everything. (JUST PRETEND) I saw sitting on the comfortable couch with my sister on the right of me. Her name is Grace, she is 13, but she looks 16. She looks as old as me! People literally think we are twins, but we play along sometimes. I sat thinking with my phone in my lap about grayson, i then got on my phone and looked up 'grayson dolan facts' I then hear someone walk in through the door behind and a low beutifull voice say, "Hey, why don't  you just ask me in person about what you wanna know" i stayed silent and shocked, they both went to my sister and hugged her, Ethan sat her down on his lap. 

"Kyle is gonna come in a couple minutes to join us for the fuunn" ethan said looking at his phone.

"Oh shit really?!" i said, i haven't seen him in a while, he has been traveling with the twins, so i haven't really seen him in a long time.

"Bruh, you little sister is right here!" ethan said covering her ears, she was enjoying this. She moved his hands from her ears and said"trust me i'm ok with is living with her for the past 13 years, i got used to it" I heard someone walking towards the door and i jump over the couch and hid behind the door. Everyone looked at me with a wtf face and i ignored it. Kyle walked in and i jumped on his back like a koala almost knocking him down. I got off and hugged him, from the front. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH DAD" 

Ethan put my sister aside, stood up, and said "WAIT WHAT? KYLE THIS IS YOUR DAUGHTER"

"Oh no, i have known her mom since kindergarden and she likes me better than her own dad" he said with a smile

"yea, i lowkey wish he was my dad" i said with a laugh. 

"Ethan can you give me a tour around?" Grace said with a smile, she is an Ethan girl, and this place is really big. 

"um sure! Yo Kyle can you be the tour guide, because i barely know this place myself" he said. 

"Yea sure, Gabbie can i trust you not to blow this place up?" he said in a serious tone.

"ill try my best" i said with a smirk

"Grayson, don't let this one out of your site"

"Oh i promise" Grayson said with a smirk. I turned red as i watched Kyle, Ethan and Grace leave and close the door.


It's been about 10 minutes and all i have been doing was look and walk around, 'investigating'. I got bored and sat on the small couch next to Grayson, with a yawn. 

"hey, Gabby right?" he said softly

"yep, that's me" (IF YOU COULD GAZE INTO THE FUTURE FUTURE future)

"tell me about you, i wanna know" i turned a bit red and starting telling him everything about me, he did the same. I was very tired because i had not slept that night at all. My head slowly fell onto grayson's shoulder. I quickly picked it back up and said sorry. "Oh no your fine, c'mere" he said moving over and opening his hands for me to go in. I got comfortable in his lap and he was hugging me tightly. I slowly began to drift (ch ch niyeeer) into s deep sleep. I felt a light kiss on my head and i heard grayson say "I think i found her grandma" (PRETEND HIS GRANDMA IS D-E-D AND HE PROMISED TO FIND A GIRL HE WOULD LOVE FOR EVER BEFORE SHE 'LEFT') I smiled into his chest and fell asleep. 

I'm not sure how much time passed but i woke up to giggling and pictures being snapped. I opened my eyes completely and turned around. Ethan, Grace, and Kyle were taking pictures of us. "Gray, wake up" i said getting out if his lap. "Oh, im 'gray' now?" he said with a small smirk. "Oh shush" i said getting up and fixing my hair in the mirror. 

"Grace, Kyle, don't you dare send any of those to mom" i said realizing that was a possibility. 'already did' they said in union. I groan and sit back onto the couch next to Gray. 

"Oh guys, sorry but time is up and we need to head to the hotel and pack for texas tomorrow" I sighed realizing my day with gray was over. I got up and went to Kyle and hugged him, "I will try to not blow anything up, or die, while you are on tour" He pulled away and held out his pinky finger, "Promise me", "i promise" i said locking our pinkies together. My other hand behind my back, crossing my fingers. I gave him one last hug. I turned around and Grayson was smirking, he has saw what i did, i winked at him and went to Ethan. 

"Thank you so so much for making this one of the best days of my life, along with my sister's." I gave him a tight hug. "It's what i do" he said smiling. "Good luck on the rest of the tour"

Grace, Ethan, and Kyle started walking toward the door. I ran to Grayson and koala hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Thank you so much gray, I'm going to miss you so much". I got down as he said, "no problem, and you won't miss me" he said softly. "If you give me your number, we can stay in touch" he said in a light smirk. 

"Oh! yea of course!" we exchanged numbers then walked out into the driveway. "hey one more thing", "yea?" i said. "Don't leake my number, i've had to change it like 60 times" I laughed. "Oh i won't trust me i know how you feel"

We gave each other one last hug and started walking to each one of our cars, he than ran back to me and kissed me on the cheek, "ok bye!" he said with a huge smile. I fucking ran to my car and got in seeing Grace in the passenger seat. "OH MY FUCKING GOD" i yelled. After that i drove us home and parked, i ran into the apartment and ran into my room, ignoring my mom asking what it was like. I ran jumped onto my bed and started texting him, right away.



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