Chapter 2

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Blaine's POV
Oh god. My ribs hurt like hell! And my head is pounding like crazy. What the hell happened last night? I swear if Wes got me drunk and in a fight, I'll kill him.
I slowly opened my eyes, shutting them quickly again as I was met with a bright, white light.
Shit. What the fuck. Where am I?
I slowly opened my eyes again to see Dad staring down at me.
He mouthed something.
"What?" I felt my voice vibrate through my throat, but I couldn't hear anything.
I turned to look in the other direction, a man in a lab coat was staring back at me.
He said something, but again, I couldn't hear.
"I can't hear you." My voice vibrated.
Dad turned around and rummaged through the drawers until he turned back towards me, notepad in hand.
Grabbing his pen from his right pocket he scribbled something down.
"How do you feel?" It read.
I grabbed the pen and pad and wrote.
"Dad. Why are you here? Why am I here? Why can't I hear anything?" I passed the notepad back to him which earned me a shooting pain through my ribs. I felt my body scream out in pain.
The doctor pressed the morphine button, giving me relief.
"You suffered a head injury, Blaine." Dad wrote.

"Okay? I still don't understand" I scribbled down, handing the pad back to him. He then handled it to the doctor, he moved the pen across the paper for a while.

"Blaine, you've suffered a head injury last night. We found you in an alleyway around the corner from your home. Some lady called it in. When you came in we feared for the worse, but now that you're awake we can see the full affect of the attack. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you've lost your hearing." I looked up at the doctor with wide, watery eyes.

"Can't I get surgery?" I wrote.

"Yes, but we don't know how long it's going to take, or if we are actually capable of performing it. We'd have to do more tests. I suggest for the time being you learn sign language. I have a list of recommended teachers that are at a reasonable price. I want you to go everyday for the next couple of weeks, or until we figure out this whole surgery thing. Understood?"
I grabbed the pen from him and hesitantly wrote my response down.

"Understood." I slid it back over to him, laying my head back and shutting my eyes, a single tear escaping from my eye.

*The Next Day*
I was released from the hospital and given a list of 5 different sign language teachers to look over. I didn't care who it was. I just wanted this surgery to happen.
How the hell am I suppose to do my job now? What am I going to tell Wes? They're going to fire me.
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around seeing Dad with a white board in his hand.

"I'm going to be staying with you for the next couple of weeks." It read.

"No." I said.
He was taken back by the ability that I could still speak.

"You don't have a choice." He wrote, holding the board in front of me.

"Fine." I said getting out of the car and walking up the steps to my apartment, Dad following behind me.
I pushed my key through the elevator button and slowly walked in as the elevator doors opened.
"Ringing in ears, Dad." I said.

"Nothing we can do about it, doc said you have to get used to it." He wrote handing me the board and walking over to the couch, placing his feet on the coffee table.

"Don't wanna get used to it." I said, pushing his feet down off the table.
He grabbed the clipboard out of my hands.
"Pick a sign language person." He wrote.

"You do it." I said, crossing my arms.
He scribbled down on the white board and got up. When he came back he threw the list and board down on my lap.
"Pick." It read.
"Fine." I said. I pointed at the 4th name on the list, nudging Dad in his side.

Dad grabbed the board, erasing the other note and writing something else down.

"Great. We'll go there tomorrow morning. I'll wake up up around 10!" He wrote, walking away from me.

Great. Now I have to go to a place I don't want to go, learn something I don't want to learn, and be taught by a teacher I'll probably hate. This is nothing like High School!

That's it for the second chapter!
Until Next Time....

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