Chapter 10

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Burt's POV
"Did you try calling him?" Carole asked as I knocked on the door for the fourth time.

"I've called 3 times and no answer." I responded, starting to get frustrated.

"What if he's just not home."

"Carole. His car is outside."

"But our package we sent, which he was suppose to call you when it got here, is still outside the door, sweetie. He might not be home." Carole said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I let out a deep sigh.

"Maybe you're right." I said, turning and leaning back on the door.

"Wait, hon, don't you have a key?"

"Wh-oh! Yeah I do!" I said, digging through my pocket, pulling my keys out.
Here it is.
I handed the keys to Carole as I grabbed our suitcases and waited for her to open the door.

"There we go!" She said, pushing the door open.

"Why is it so dark in here?" I groaned, setting the baggage next to the staircase. "Turn a light on or something."
I heard Carole flip the light switch on and lightly gasp.

"What?" I turned, following her eyes to where she was staring.
There were two men laying on the couch. One of them way Kurt.

"What the -"

"Burt, honey, don't."

"What do you mean don't!?" I said, marching over towards the couch.


"Dad? What the hell are you doing here?" He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Just wanted to surprise my boy, but the only one surprised here is ME! EXCUSE ME! HELLO! WAKEY WAKEY SIR."

"Dad! SHUT UP! I'll explain in a second. Just hold on." Kurt slowly crawled over the curled up boy and grabbed the blanket that was sitting on the arm of the chair, draping it over the boy's small body.

"Kurt..." I heard him murmur. Kurt moved his hand and gently rubbed the boy's back.

Kurt looked back up at me with a death glare, stood up and marched into the kitchen.
Me and Carole followed behind.

"I don't know why you're looking at me all angrily. I'm the one who's angry here." I said as I entered the kitchen, crossing my arms in front of me.

"You can't just barge inside my house, unannounced and wake me up, and start screaming at me and my guest! That's not how it works, Dad. What are you doing here anyway? You said you weren't coming when I asked. Oh, and hi Carole." He said turning towards Carole with a smile.

"Hi sweetie." Carole said with a smile.

"We wanted to surprise you, but it seems like you surprised us first! And why didn't he wake up? Why'd you let him sleep?! I wanted to talk to the BOTH of you as to what is going on! Is he your boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" I asked.

Kurt's POV
I can't believe him. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"No, dad. We're not dating." I looked back up at him and saw Blaine coming up behind him. I smiled slightly at his sleepy confused look. Dad turned around to face Blaine.

"If you guys aren't dating then why were the two of you all happily cuddled up toget-" He stopped when he saw Blaine sign over to me.

"Kurt, what's going on?" Blaine asked.

"What are you doing up, Blaine?" I signed back, watching dad's eyes shift between us.

"I was cold so I woke up, I saw you weren't there. The kitchen light was on. Who are these people?"

"HE'S YOUR STUDENT?! Jesus, Kurt."

"Dad. It's not like that." I said turning back to Blaine. "This is my dad, and my stepmom, Carole." I told Blaine.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Hummel." Blaine said as best as he could, stretching his arm out.

"Save it kid, you don't have to speak to me." Dad signed, taking Blaine back a bit.
Carole waved over at him from behind Burt.

"Want to explain to me why you and my boy were curled up on the couch earlier?" Dad asked with a raised eyebrow. Blaine blushed slightly and looked at the ground.
I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder, "I'll explain." I signed once he looked up.

"He was bashed a couple of weeks ago. He ended up in the hospital and couldn't hear, that's why he came to me. Well yesterday, his doctor did a bunch of tests on him and they figured out that he could get the surgery and his hearing would be back." I explained.

"Oh that's awful. But he has a chance!" Carole said with a smile.

"That's great, bud, but what does that have to do with you?" Dad interrupted.

"Blaine's a music producer, he loves his job, but he wants to make his own music. He can't do that if he can't hear. So when they said he could get the surgery and have his hearing back, he had hope again." I paused, looking over a Blaine and giving him a slight smile.
"Well, when Blaine got back home earlier, his dad told him he wasn't allowed to get the surgery.. Too many dangers. Since Blaine needs a parent signature, even though he's legally allowed to sign off on his own, they still need his dad's. But he won't give it."

"Okay, but where do you come in?"

"I'm getting to that. So after I got off the phone with you, I started driving home and I saw Blaine walking in the middle of no where on the side of the street. I pulled over and told him to get in and I'd give him a ride home. He told me he didn't want to go home because of his dad, so I brought him here. He explained everything and he asked if I'd just hold him. So I did. We ended up falling asleep on the couch together and then you came in and now here we are." I finished, dad was staring at me with a knowing look. He turned to Blaine.

"You really want this surgery?" He asked, earning a nod from Blaine.

"We're gonna talk to his father, okay?"

"Burt-" Carole started.

"Carole, no. I know what it's like for someone to want their hearing back to do what they love, but can't get it. He has a chance and we're going to help him." I embraced dad in a hug.

"Thank you for understanding." I said, pulling away and turning to Blaine.

"My dad agreed to talk to your dad with me." I said with a smile.

"Sir, I can't ask you to do that."

"Please, let me do this."

Blaine nodded.
"Thank you so much." He signed.

Blaine's POV
I turned to look at Kurt.
"How come you both know sign?" I asked.
He looked over at his dad and then back at me.

"Before my mother died, she was deaf for a long time. About 5 or 6 years. Every single one of us learned sign so that it was easier to talk to her. Dad doesn't use it that much anymore, unlike me."

"I'm sorry about your mom." I signed, earning a smile from him.

"Are you hungry? I can make us some dinner." Kurt asked.

"Yes!!" I smiled.

I saw Kurt ask his dad and Carole, that earned nods from the both of them.

"Let's eat!" Kurt signed, walking over to the fridge.

Blahhh I don't think I like this chapter either ugh. Oh whale.
Until Next Time....

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