Chapter 3

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Blaine's POV

I followed behind Dad as we walked into the building. He walked over to one of the employees asked for something. Grabbing my shoulder, he pulled me in his direction. We walked down the hallways until we were met by a door that had decorations that read "Making Life Easier 1 Sign at a Time!" above it.
I rolled my eyes.
Dad opened the door, holding it as I walked in, taking in my surroundings.
How old do they think I am, I wondered as I looked around at the play toys scattered around the room.

I walked back over to Dad as he was talking to the receptionist.
She pressed the button down on the phone as she made a call, said something that involved my name, and quickly hung up, pointing at me and then at a door.
I looked over at her confused.
Dad placed the whiteboard in front of my face,
"Go through that door, your teacher will be waiting in there for you." When I looked up at him he plastered a smile on his face.
I grabbed the clipboard from his hands and slowly trotted over towards the door, knocking and opening it.

Kurt's POV
"Mr. Hummel, Blaine Anderson and his father are here to see you." Linda said through the intercom.

"I'm sorry, Linda, who?" I asked as I straightened up the clutter on top of my desk.

"Your new client. Blaine Anderson? Just got released from the hospital yesterday?" She said.

"Oh! Right! Yes, very well then, send him in, please." I said hanging up and shoving papers down into my desk.

*Knock Knock*

"Yes! Come on in!" I said looking towards the door as it slowly eased open.

"Hi! You must be Mr. Anderson!" Damn he's cute. I walked up to him, holding my hand out.
He closed the door behind him and cautiously took my hand, shaking it firmly.

"Um, Mr. Anderson, where is Blaine?" I asked looking behind him. He looked at me confused and didn't respond.
Instead, he took the whiteboard and marker from up under his arm and scribbled something down. When he was finished he turned the board towards me and gave me a glare.

"Do you always talk to your deaf clients like they can hear you?" It read.
I looked back up at him and raised my eyebrows, covering my gasp with my hand.
He handed the board over to me.
I quickly erased the previous note and wrote, flipping it back towards Blaine.
"I'm so sorry! I thought you were Mr. Anderson and Blaine was your son. I usually only teach children. So you're Blaine?" He nodded his head.
I turned the board back to me and wrote "I'm Mr. Hummel, but you can call me Kurt :)"

"Kurt." He said, catching me off guard, making me flinch.
"Sorry." He said when he saw me jump.

"It's okay, you can speak to me if you want to, I'm just here to teach you things so that you can communicate with people better." I wrote, handing the board to him.

"This board does get pretty annoying." I nodded as I walked over to the bookshelf.

I'm so unprepared for this, I usually only teach kids, they don't get frustrated as easily like adults do. But I guess I could do it. How hard could it be? I wish they would have told me how he lost his hearing. Or really told me anything about him. All I got was a name and what he needed to learn. Speaking of, get back to looking for the books.
I pulled out 3 books from the shelf "ASL GUIDE" (American Sign Language), "Common Phrases to Sign Language" and "Understanding Sign".

When I handed them to Blaine, he opened "ASL GUIDE". I sat down next to him and placed my hand on top of the book, closing it shut. He looked up at me with confusion flooding over his face.
I grabbed his whiteboard and began writing.
"We'll learn later. First, I want to get to know you. Who is 'Blaine Anderson'. I like to get to know my clients a bit before I spend everyday with them." Grabbing the whiteboard and erasing, he began writing, occasionally looking up at me. When he was finished he handed me the whiteboard, stood up and began walking around the room looking at my decorations.

His note read:
"My name is Blaine Anderson. I'm 26 years old. I was born and raised in Westerville, Ohio (probably never heard of it). I came to New York for college. I went to NYU. I currently work at a recording studio, I'm a music producer. I love to sing. I can play pretty much every instrument. And yeah. That's all."

I erased the board and wrote:
"Nice to meet you Blaine. I'm Kurt Hummel. I'm 27 years old. I was also born & raised in Ohio, except in Lima. I went to NYU as well (small world). I obviously work as a teacher. I love my job."

I walked over to Blaine and placed the board in his hand. After reading, he looked up at me and nodded, walking back over to the couch and sitting, grabbing the books again.

He opened up the the first page and pointed.
"Alphabet first?" He said. I nodded.

Blaine's POV
"A... B.... C... D..... E... F.... G... H... I... J.... K... L.... M... N... O... P... Q... R... S... T... U... V.... W... X... Y... Z." Kurt mouthed as he signed along with me.
We had been working on me memorizing the alphabet for the last hour, it was easy, I just kept messing up on N. Whenever I did he's always smile, grab my thumb and move it in between my middle and ring finger. Eventually I'll figure it out.

He grabbed the white board, wrote something and then turned it back to me.
"Now do it without my help. Ready?" I nodded.
"A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.X.Y.Z." I signed looking back over at him.
He clapped his hands and smiled grabbing the whiteboard.

"YOU DID IT!" It read.

"That was easier than I thought." I wrote. Before he could respond I grabbed the whiteboard and erased, pulling it close to my body.

"Mr. Hummel?" I spoke.
He looked at me with concerned eyes and nodded at me to continue.
"I am a... Music producer... How.. How am I supposed to do my work?" I said as best as I could.
He got up, taking my hand and pulling me up with him. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. Turning around he pulling me towards another door in his room.
Where the hell was he taking me?
As he slowly opened the door my eyes were met with a grand piano sitting in the center of the room. The walls were covered in different instruments. Violins, flutes, guitars, ukuleles, viola, bass, trumpets, saxophones, etc. I turned and looked at him, eyes wide.
"What is this."
"Music room." He mouthed with a smile.
Grabbing my hand again he pulled me over to the piano. He placed me against it and placed his hands over my eyes, telling me to shut them.
Once they were shut, he stepped out from in front of me. I was about to open my eyes when I felt a vibration behind me.
It was the piano. Someone was playing it. I could feel as every note was being hit, the vibration of the strings from high to low notes, the change in key. I could feel it all from beneath me. I opened my eyes and turned around to face the person playing. It was Kurt. His fingers danced along the keys as he gradually moved through the piece. I knew the song, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I leaned back up against the piano to feel the music as it played. I couldn't hear it, but I felt it. Just as I did when I could hear it.
The music came to an end as Kurt stopped playing.
"Katy Perry." I said. He nodded in response.
He slowly got up and walked back into his office, I followed behind him.
He grabbed the board and wrote.
"That's it for today, Blaine. It was nice meeting you. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
I walked over to him, grabbing the board and placing it under my arm.
"Thank you.. So much." I said.

I hope you like this!
Until Next Time...

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