Chapter 22

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Blaine's POV
Oh god. He's gonna hate me. He's going to forbid me from seeing Kurt. When I try to argue back, he'll kill me. I'm a dead man walking. Kurt's lucky he's worth my death.

"Stop fidgeting." Kurt rolled his eyes and slapped my hands away from the buttons of my shirt.

"You would be fidgety too if your boyfriend father had a slight chance of killing him!" I said, obviously stressed.

"Oh my god. Blaine. You're so dramatic it's ridiculous. I was kidding when I told you about the shot gun. It was a joke. You know what those are, right? Haha, laugh it off. A joke."

"Doesn't mean I still fear for my life." I mumbled, crossing my arms against my chest. I could feel Kurt roll his eyes at me again for the hundredth time.

"We're here, okay?? Calm that little butt of yours."

"Little?!" I gasped.

"Hey, I said it was little, not that it wasn't nice." He laughed, sending a wink towards me. "Now come onnnnnnn" Kurt whined.

"Ugh. Fine." I said with a sigh, pushing the car door open.

"So what do you think he's gonna want to talk about?" I asked as we walked into the front porch.

"Probably how excited he is that he could potentially use his shot gun." He said smiling, as he knocked on the door.
The door swung open, showing Burt at the door.

"Kurt, why does this boy look like he's just seen a ghost?" Burt asked, looking over at me.

"Blaine! Kidding! Remember?!" Kurt said, waving his hands in front of my face.

"Right, right. Kidding." I stammered.

"Kidding about what?" Burt raised his eyebrow.

"Shot gun." I murmured .

"Oh. No. He's not kidding about that. Now, come on in!!" Burt said, stepping out of the way so we could walk past.

"Kurt! Not kidding. Not kidding!" I grabbed his arm, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Dad. Put this child's mind at ease about the shot gun, please." Kurt said, tryin to pry me off of him.

"I'm not gonna use it on you kid. Don't worry. But, you hurt my boy, and I will use it. I don't think we'll have a problem with that though, now will we?"

"No sir..."

"Perfect. Let's eat!"

"If it makes you feel any better," Kurt whispered, "he doesn't have any bullets for it."

"Doesn't mean he can't go buy any!" I whispered back, Kurt chuckled.

"Come on you silly boy." Kurt grabbed my hand, pulling me into the kitchen.

Kurt's POV
"So, what are your plans for this weekend dad?" I ask as we sat around the table.

"Well, tomorrow I gotta check in at the shop, only be there for about an hour or 2, then Sunday, I have to pick Carole up from the airport."

"The airport? Where is she at?" Kurt asked.

"New York still. She didn't leave when I came back. I told her to catch a flight with you guys here, but she wanted to go see some show, dogs or something I don't know, some animal."

"Cats?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, that one."

"It's a great show, I don't blame her." Blaine said, stuffing a piece of chicken into his mouth.

"So you're into the whole musical stuff too then?" Dad asked.

"Oh yeah! It's the best source of entertainment. You've got the singing, the acting, the connection to the audience, it's amazing." Blaine said, happily.

"But you went into being a record dealer instead?" Dad asked.

"Dad-" I started to say.

"Nah, it's fine.  I actually didn't go into this at first. I was in a lot of performances before I became a record dealer. Sometimes I wish I hadn't, but I'm still involved in music, in performing."

"Yeah, but that's other people's stuff."

"Music is music, I'm always going to love it, even if I'm not the one making it." Blaine grinned.

"But now you can!! You know, with your hearing back and all." I smiled, almost bouncing in my seat.

"Yeah, I can. Thanks to you guys. I don't think I ever thanked you, Mr. Hummel. You convinced my dad to let me get the surgery. I really appreciate it, you don't even understand." Blaine said, sincerely.

"You don't have to thank me, kid. It's my pleasure. Anything I could do to help." Dad patted Blaine on the shoulder.

"You have such an amazing family, Kurt." Blaine looked over at me.

"Blaine, oh my god. Are you crying? What happened?"

"No. No. It's fine, I'm fine, honestly. You're family is just, something I've never known before. Thank you Mr. Hummel. And thank you Kurt. You guys are great. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and, well, dry some tears." He said, laughing.

He walked up and went down the hall, when he closed the door, Dad spoke up.

"He deserves a better family than what he got. They obviously didn't care about him." He shook his head.

"I know. But he has us, we care about him." I smiled.

Blaine came out of the bathroom with a smile on his face.

"So who's ready for some cheesecake?!" Dad shouted.

"ME!!! Back off, boys, this whole thing is mine!!" I said, running to the fridge.

Guys I'm SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER IM AWFUL!! It's just idk where I'm taking this story so please, comment/message me some suggestions!!
Love you guys!
Until Next Time....

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