Chapter 19

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Kurt's POV
"What?!" I asked, shocked by his anger.

"You can't just, kiss me in front of people like that! Especially not my mother!" He hissed.

"I'm sorry? I didn't know kissing you was a crime." I said, slightly irritated.

"It is when the kiss isn't about me."

"What does that mean?"

"The only reason you kissed me, was because you wanted to prove something to her. The kiss was about her, not me. Not about the way you feel towards me. It was about the way you felt towards my mother in that moment." He said quietly.

"But Blai-" I started to say.

"No Kurt. You know I'm right. I felt like I was being used in that moment. I enjoyed the kiss, yes, but not the reason behind it." He looked up at me.

"Blaine. I'm sorry." I touched his shoulder.

"Do you want an actual relationship? Or do you just want to be with me out of spite to prove something to someone, like my mother? Because if it's the second reason then get out right now. If not, I'll happily move over and you can lay with me."

"Are those my only two options?" I asked, removing my hand.

"Only two options." He looked down at his hands.

I sat there and looked at his body language. His eyebrows were furred together, fingers twirling in his lap, his back hunched over and his shoulders were slouched. He was prepared for being let down. Prepared for me to walk out.
I slowly stood up.

"Well are you going to move over, or what?" I asked. Blaine's head turned to me, a bright smile on his face as he sat up tall and slid over.

I laid down next to him and turned to face him.

"Yes Blaine?"

"Tell me a story." He said with a smile.

"A story? What for?" I laughed.

"Because I love listening to your voice. It's beautiful. I just want to hear you speak." He said, full of content.

"Well, then once upon a time, there was a boy named Blaine. Blaine was a very handsome boy and everyday he would go to the park and slide dow-"

"Kurt!" Blaine interrupted with a giggle.


"I meant a real story! About you!"

"Why would you want to hear about me?!"

"Because I want to know everything about you." He said, poking me in the belly.

"Hmph. Fine. Well in that case, once upon a time-" I started.

"This better be a real story." He interrupted, again.

"Shush. It is. Interrupt me again and I won't tell you a story ever again." I threatened.
Blaine widened his eyes, shut his mouth, and turned his hand in the corner of his lips as to lock the key.
I laughed at his childish actions.

"Once upon a time there was a boy named Kurt. He went to McKinley High School and was a biggest diva in Lima, Ohio-" Blaine stiffed a laugh. "He had a dream that he would go to New York and be on Broadway. It wasn't just a dream, he was working his way up there. He was in glee club, competed at every show choir competition, participated in every musical and play the school put on. Senior year came and he applied for NYADA. You know, the New York Academy of Dramatic Arts? Yeah, well, he got an audition."

"You got an audition for NYADA?! I didn't even get that far!" Blaine said, astonished.
I side glanced him, warning him.

"Right. Sorry. No interrupting." He whispered.

"Kurt worked months and months towards this audition. Back and forth and back and forth trying to pick a song. He didn't decide what he was singing until moments before. The Boy Next Door. And boy, did he bring the house down with it. After his audition he went out into the waiting room, you see, his friend Rachel Berry was also auditioning, so he wanted to wait for her to be finished. Plus, he was her ride back home." Blaine shook his head.

"While he was waiting, this girl was practicing in the corner of the room. She sounded beautiful. He was astonished, so he walked over to the girl to tell her how amazing she was. When he said something, she just looked over at him questioningly. She signed 'I'm sorry?'. Most people know I'm sorry in sign language, so even if people didn't know all of the signs, they knew I'm sorry. He responded back to her that she sounded beautiful and he was impressed by how amazing she was, even with her loss of hearing. She thanked him and when his friend came out, she gathered her things and went to audition. I was about to leave with Rachel when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. It was the girl again. She looked very panicked and quickly asked me if I'd translate for her to the judges. I happily said yes. She was very grateful, as was I, I got to see her perform and it was magnificent." I paused.

"So did you get into NYADA?!" Blaine asked, excitedly.

"That I did. And so did the girl, her name was Paisley, by the way. We ended up being in the same classes. I help translate for her in all of the classes, and I taught most of the students and teachers sign so that they could communicate with her better. One day, my dance professor said "why don't you just become a sign language teacher? You've taught most of the staff and students here in less than 2 months, imagine you being out in that field." And it got me thinking. Maybe that would be something I should do. So after thinking about it for a while, aka, 4 months later, I dropped out of NYADA and started getting my degree in education. And then bam, just like that I became a sign teacher, and I love everyday of it."

"Wait. You dropped out of NYADA?! That's insane! I've never heard someone do that before."

"I'm glad I did."

"You are?"

"Yeah. If I didn't, I probably would have never met you." I said with a smile.

"You're an angel, you know that? The voice of an angel."

"You haven't even heard me sing yet." I stuck my tongue out.

"I don't need to hear you sing to know it's beautiful. I already know. As I said, the voice of an angel." He smiled happily.

Long time no see my friends!
Sorry it took so long! I've been very tired and busy.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope everyone had an amazing holiday :)
Until Next Time...

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