Wonshik's POV
When we finally got home, well to the parking garage, I did what I normally do now; assist Taekwoon with his wheelchair. I didn't mind doing that, at all!!! I just feel that it's all my fault and I can never be able to apologize properly. In other words, I feel super bad... First, he gets in an accident. Second, he develops amnesia. Third, he can't walk properly. My Taekwoon, I'm so sorry.While we were passing by in the lobby, the security guard greeted us. He's actually really nice and kind.
"Hey Wonshik! I hardly see you walking in the building now! And Taekwoon? Is that you?" I suppose he didn't realize that Taekwoon wasn't at home, but was in the hospital.
"Um, Wonshik?" Taekwoon whispered to me. "Who is he and how does he know me?"
"I'll handle this." I whispered back to him, then I said to the security guard, "Hey Soonhyuk-Hyung!!! Umm... Taekwoon was recently in an accident and he just got released from the hospital..."
"Oh.... I'm so sorry Taekwoon, are you alright?"
"He has also lost his memory, he has amnesia." I whispered to him.
"Oh my-, okay." He whispered back, but then he said to Taekwoon after, "Hi Taekwoon! I'm the security guard for this building, but please call me Soonhyuk-Hyung. Alright, I'll stop bothering the two of you!! Have fun you guys!!!"
"You too Hyung!!!" I replied back. After we spoke, I wheeled Taekwoon to the elevator.
"Wonshik, you didn't have to whisper my problems to him. You could've just did them out loud, it's not like I care anymore. I won't remember anyone..."
"Taekwoon, I'm sorry, and you don't have problems!"
"Then what do you call this stupid wheelchair? The fact that I can't remember anyone or anything?"
Oh shoot, I can't explain.
"I-, can we talk about this upstairs?"
The elevator arrived."Fine by me." He scoffed. We reached our floor and went into our place. I took my shoes off and helped Taekwoon take his shoes off. "Want to continue this argument now?" He said kind of angrily.
"Taekwoon please, I don't want to argue with you."
"Wonshik. The only reason why I'm saying all this stuff, is because it's true. I have disabilities, problems, whatever the hell you want to call it! You can't change that fact Wonshik, I'm different now." He had tears forming in his eyes, as he yelled at me.
"It doesn't matter that you're different. I-I-"
I wanted to say I love you no matter what. You'll always be mine Taekwoon, different or no different. But he doesn't remember.
"You what?" He said with tears now rolling down his face.
"It doesn't matter if you're different or not. You're still Taekwoon, and nothing will ever change that. OH!"
"W-What is it?" He said wiping his tears away.
"Dr. Lee recommended we get some crutches for just around the home. Do you want to get some now or later?"
"Hmm... Let's go now and get it over and done with." So I put my shoes back on and helped him put on his, and we exited our condo once again. Then we went to the parking garage, but instead of going to my car, we went to his. I brought him there, just to see if he would remember something. "What happened to your car? Whose is this?"
"It's um, yours."
"Mine? I-" He held his head and scrunched his face. Did he remember something? Oh no, did I hurt him again? What did I do?
"Taekwoon!!! Are you alright?" I knelt down to him and held his shoulders.
"Ugh.... Y-yeah, I'm okay. I-I kind of remember this car. Is this why you brought me to my car instead of yours?"
"Yeah... I'm sorry..." I stood up and faced away.
"It's alright Wonshik. I'm grateful that you're here to assist me and help me remember things."
"Anytime Taekwoon." I smiled and helped him into the car. We began driving to the address that Dr. Lee told is to pick up Taekwoon's crutches. After we picked them up, we went back to the condo and changed into some more comfortable clothes.
"Wonshik?" He called from his room, or the guest room.
"Yeah Taekwoon?" I stood outside the door, waiting for him.
"This is going to sound like a weird question, but can you help me up?"
"Yeah sure." I opened the door to his room and he put on a sleeveless shirt and managed to put some shorts on. He laying down on the bed, looking at the ceiling. "Wow, I'm amazed!"
"At what?"
"You can- Nevermind."
"Alright Wonshik, whatever you say. Can you lay down here with me for a while?"
"O-of course..." It's been a while since I've heard that, but I knew it had a different meaning. I went to the side of the bed and laid by his right side.
"It's so good huh? Laying down on an actual bed. Instead of the hospital one." His eyes were closed, but he was facing the ceiling. I never realized it until now, but I take my bed for granted. Taekwoon's right, this must probably be better than the hospital one.
"Y-yeah, it is... Hey Taekwoon?"
"Um... This is a weird question, but if you were to maybe date anyone between; Jaehwan, Hongbin, Sanghyuk, and me... Who would you pick?"
He didn't answer, he was just silent. Then, he put his hand on my arm and said, "You Wonshik."
"What?" I sat up and looked down on his face.
"You." He stared into my eyes and I stared into his. We just stayed like this for a few minutes then he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling him up to sit. When he sat up, he closed his eyes and leaned closer to my face. Is he going to kiss me? He moved closer and closer, until there was no more space between us.
He did.
He kissed me.

FanfictionWe loved and cared, for 10 years. What happened to us? (You know what to do.... Read the story. ✌❤)