Leo's POV
Ughhh.... Why does my head kill? I'm in so much pain everywhere and I don't remember anything that happened last night. Wait, I'm in the living room, but why? I stood up and leaned against the wall. I have a major headache and it HURTING so much."What happened?" Sanghyuk asked. Why was he here?
"I have no ide- ohh..... My head kills." Hongbin said.
"Same here. Want something to help it go away?"
"Yes please." He answered. I went into the medicine cabinet and got out the medicine. I gave it to him and also a glass of water. I also did the same to myself. "Thanks."
"No problem. Now, where is Jaehwan? And Hakyeon? And Wonshik?" I asked the 2 people awake.
"On the couch, chair and the floor." Jaehwan was asleep on the chair, Hakyeon on the couch and Wonshik, sort of on the floor, with his head resting on Hakyeon's legs. Why was he on Hakyeon's leg?
"Hey Taekwoon!" Hongbin said.
"Yeah?" I said sort of in anger, but trying to hide it.
"I know you're jealous. Don't worry. Wonshik loves you."
"M-me? J-jealous? No way!" I lied. How could he find out? How did he know?
"Stop lying Taekwoon. We both know you are." Sanghyuk added.
"Oh shut up... Wouldn't you be jealous?" I pointed to Wonshik rested on Hakyeon legs. He looks so peaceful....
"I-I know what you're talking about." Hongbin told me.
"You and Jaehwan?" Sanghyuk asked.
"W-what? No!" He hesitated, but it's true. We all knew he liked Jaehwan and we're pretty sure that Jaehwan likes him back.
"Now who's the one lying?" I asked him.
"Fine. It's true. I do." He admitted. "But you can't tell anyone!!!!"
"They don't have to tell anyone, I know." Jaehwan unexpectedly said. He surprising woke up at a very convenient time. Now they would have to confess to each other.
"I-I'm so done..." Hongbin said embarrassed. He quickly got up and headed for the door, but was stopped by Jaehwan.
He hugged Hongbin from behind and whispered loudly in his ear, "I like you too."
"Y-you do?"
"Mmhmm!" He backed away and smiled. "I don't know when it happened, but I just do... So you actually like me?"
"Y-yeah... Hey Jaehwan?"
"Hongbin..." He looked at him.
"Will you go out with me?" They both asked at the same time.
"Yes!" They both answered again, at the same time.
"I promise I'll protect you Jaehwan." Hongbin told him.
"And I promise to always make you show that beautiful smile of yours." He kissed Hongbin on the lips, then quickly parted. "See? You're smiling now!" Hongbin was smiling, and also blushing. At least there is one happy couple in our group... "So Sanghyuk? Do you like Hakyeon?" Jaehwan asked.
"Ummm.... Sort of, kind of. In a way, he's like my Hyung, but then again, I think I am developing feelings for him." He started blushing and trying not to make eye contact with any of us.
"Awwww!!!!" We all said as we fangirlled.
"Just don't tell anyone else okay? I still need to make sure that I do... I'm still sort of unsure." He told us.
"Don't worry Sanghyuk, we won't." I told him. After we spoke, those of us who were awake (Hongbin, Sanghyuk, Jaehwan and myself), we all stood up and ate some fruit. Then they all went home to go and continue on with their lives. I feel really great knowing that one of my best friends ended up with a nice guy. However, I really hope the Sanghyuk does like Hakyeon and that Hakyeon really does like Sanghyuk back. At least in that way, I wouldn't have to worry about Hakyeon stealing or flirting with Wonshik.
Once everyone left, I cleaned up everything and sat down on a chair. I was still so tired and too weak to do too much.
After about half an hour or so, Hakyeon and we woke up. I was just sitting down, on a chair and reading a book."W-what happened?" Hakyeon asked.
"Finally awake now you two? It's been sometime." I responded. "Hurry and go shower, the both of you. The others and I had breakfast, then they left. OH! Jaehwan and Hongbin are now 'a thing' and well yeah. That's about all you missed."
"So what happened last night?" Wonshik asked me.
"Who knows? No one really remembers. All I remember is we played truth or dare, then it turns blank." I told him.
"Alright.... I'll go have a shower now." Hakyeon said as he got up to go to the guest washroom. As soon as he was out of sight, I pulled Wonshik by his shirt and dragged him into our room, then sort of loudly closed the door.
"What was that for Taekwoon?"
"Can you please explain to me if you remember, why were you sleeping on Hakyeon's leg?" I frowned at him and waited for his response.
"I-I actually have no idea Taekwoon, I swear. It just sort of, happened, I guess."
"You guess? Fine then... Just go and shower." I said angrily and was about to storm out the room.
"Wait! Where are you going?" He grabbed my wrist.
"To my usual thinking spot. If you want me, you know where I'll be."
"But Taekwoon! Come shower with me? I know you haven't..." He pouted his lips and gave me puppy dog eyes.
"I-But..." Gosh, I can't refuse his puppy eyes. ".... Fine Wonshik."
"Yay!!!!!" He wrapped his arms around me and smiled. "And after we shower and get dressed and all that good stuff, you want me to treat you out for some ice cream?"
"With sprinkles?" I joked around.
"Anything you want." He stared at me in my eyes, and slowly gave me a kiss.
"I love you Wonshik."
"I love you more Taekwoon."
I blushed a little when he said that, then I snapped out of it. "Come on, let's go shower now." I dragged him in our washroom, closed that door, and our 'showering-together' adventure, had just started.

FanfictionWe loved and cared, for 10 years. What happened to us? (You know what to do.... Read the story. ✌❤)