Ravi's POV
Well today was Wednesday and there was 2 more days until Hakyeon had to leave. I really wanted to make some new memories with him, and look back on them in the future. Even though we've gone through some rough times before, we're friends now and that's what matters."Hakyeon!"
"Yes Wonshik?"
"You busy today?" I asked him. Since it was one of our last days together, we may as well do some fun things.
"Not really today, but tomorrow I am. Why do you ask?"
"Just wanted to know if you'd wanna go out and do something before you have to go because, who knows when I'll see you again?"
"Thanks chingu!! Taekwoon and I discussed about it last night and we were wondering if go-karting sounded fun?"
"YES!!!! Please?" He smiled and stared at me in my eyes.
"Of course we're going go-karting. It's amazing!" Taekwoon said, coming out of nowhere.
"Morning-ish Taekwoon! How'd you sleep?"
"The same as I always do? Haha.... Come on, let's go out and eat breakfast, then we can call the others to join us. You all okay with that?" Taekwoon asked Hakyeon and I.
"I good with that! It's going to be so fun today!" Hakyeon exclaimed.
"Y-yeah... Let's go do that!"
We all put our shoes on and headed to the elevator to go down to the lobby. When we got to the lobby, we exited the building and walked across the street to Taekwoon's favourite coffee and baked goods place. He ordered his usual latte and some bread, while Hakyeon ordered a small sandwich. I had a cookie and a cup of coffee. The three of us sat down, in silence, just eating and drinking our stuff. It seemed REALLY awkward, but I had no idea what to do, so I just stayed quiet. After a while, we all finished and left the small place.
Still silence.
I had to break it somehow...
*cough, cough* "So how was the sandwich Hakyeon?"
"It was good, well... The bread was a little too toasted, but oh well. How was your bread Taekwoon?"
"Fine...." He softly said. Boy, Taekwoon seems so emotional nowadays. He's either HAPPY, or SAD, MAD OR EXCITED. Aish, I have no idea what to do with him sometimes... "I'll just call Hongbin and ask him. Wonshik, call Sanghyuk-"
"And I'll call Jaehwan." Hakyeon added. Taekwoon sort of looked at him with some annoyed face, but then he ignored everything and called Hongbin. Once we all called the rest of the guys, we just hung out at some nearby park and sat down on the benches. Taekwoon bought some more bread, but it was the packaged and portable sized. He also bought some bird feed, to feed the birds while we were waiting for the other 3 to meeting up with us.
"Here birdies... Eat the seeds..." He whispered to the birds as he threw the bird seed gently on the ground.
"Do you like birds Taekwoon?" Hakyeon asked him.
"Yeah, who doesn't? I love all the animals." It's true, he really does love animals.
"T-true..." Hakyeon added after.
While Hakyeon was playing on his phone, and me watching Taekwoon throw bird seed in the ground, the other 3 came up to us and yelled out our names.
"Taekwoon! Hakyeon! Wonshik!"
"Hongbin! Sanghyuk! Jaehwan! That's for agreeing to come with us!" I told them.
"Well, I had nothing to do today..." Sanghyuk said.

FanfictionWe loved and cared, for 10 years. What happened to us? (You know what to do.... Read the story. ✌❤)