Chapter 4: Peculiar

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(The dress☝️)
I haven't updated in forever I'm so sorry!!! This won't happen again, I swear!😭

(YN) P.O.V.

We enter a marble floored room filled to the brim with dresses of all shapes and sizes. They ranged from enormous dresses for people with inhuman amounts of cleavage to small tiny dresses, like a pink, black, and white frilled one that looked as if it would fit the Earl quite nicely. It's even complete with a hat! I laugh at the thought of such a haughty child being stuffed into a corset for such a dress. That would never happen, of course. There are many other things in this gargantuan room such as bustles. Corsets. Hairpieces. High heeled shoes. Stockings. Diamonds. Pearls. Perfumes. Paint for my lips and eyes. Fanciful lacy gloves. Hats. Rings. Everything a respectable noble woman would ever require and more. Now,  practically at my fingertips.

Though I question why a boy such as Ciel Phantomhive would need such a room, I do not dwell on it. It might possibly for his fiancé, Lady Elizabeth. She is known for her love of cute fashion. However, something else catches my attention. I look up at the ceiling. How peculiar.

Devils instead of angelic cherubs.

Mey-rin looks over at me. She chuckles, which breaks my trance. "I don't know why the masta likes them either, Miss (YN). The young masta let Sebastian put them demons up there, yes he did. Sebastian insisted! He's such a strange man. But I love him anyway, yes I do!!!" The sweet woman starts blushing just thinking about the charming butler. I can see the red under her enormous glasses perfectly. But, she quickly shakes off her infatuation.

I look up at the ceiling but shake off my silly thoughts, as well. It may just be strange taste. After all, nobles do have weird eyes for art. The insufferable Ciel Phantomhive is probably no exception.

She then looks at me and says "Miss (YN), we'll be coming back in here after your bath, yes we will. Off to the bath house!"

She motions for me to follow her as she scampers off, falling on her face in the process. I stifle a laugh as I help her up from her nasty spill. She continues to press forward after fixing her enormous glasses. She leads me to the bath and draws the warm water.

As the water is drawn and my clothes are removed, she says that she will wait outside until I am finished. I walk on the marble floor and sink into the steamy heaven. I feel uneasy, however. Almost as if I am being watched. I open my eyes and suddenly the feeling disappears.
Normal POV

"Young master, enough about my precious feline companion, let us please talk about the woman I have brought for your English tutoring," Sebastian looks his master in the eye and continues,"after all, she is quite a specimen."

Ciel looks at Sebastian with an unusual amount of hatred (even for him) and replies,"If by specimen, you mean something that should be studied because of its awful appearance."

Sebastian suddenly feels like snapping the young Earl's neck. He doesn't, of course. That would be against his contract, right? Although, something that Ciel said earlier confused him more than it angered him.

"My lord, if I may," Sebastian started in a lower tone. This grabbed the Earl's attention. He continued at Ciel looks him intensely,"why is it that you said she reeks of sewers if she radiates with the natural perfume of lavender?"

Ciel's P.O.V.

"Sebastian, this 'lavender' was not a smell I inhaled. She smelled of human waste as well as other odors. Whatever delusions you may be going through, I assure you that you are the only one who thought she 'smelled of lavender'." I hate her. Of course she smelled of lavender. It was an amazing perfume. But it wasn't even a perfume, it was HER.

When she first came in, I could smell it. It was so powerful that it broke me from my studies.  I was about to return, brushing it off as a tea, but the cat was what fully broke my concentration. That scent was still there. I can even smell it as we speak. I don't know why I lied to Sebastian, he saw right through it. That's why he's smirking at me with that infuriating, but demonically attractive, smirk. I hate that smirk. That smirk is a stupid smirk.

"Of course my lord. Perhaps a trick of the senses." Stop smirking!!!

Great. Now he's just bothering me on purpose. "Sebastian, return to your duties." I know he's going to watch her bathe. There's nothing I could do to stop him, anyway. Even if I did order it, what would be the point. Maybe he could scare her off with his perverted habits. I can tell he cares for her. He's never acted like this before. Especially towards me.

That's why I'm so angry about that pig of a woman. She has nothing, but everything I don't.

(YN) P.O.V.

Mey-Rin brought me to the dress room after I finished my bath. She left me to find one of my liking. I look at the many dresses and question the colors and styles of bustles and corsets. After finding a simple brown top that might fix my dismal figure, I look to my left and almost scream. Ciel is there. Right next to me. It's lucky that I had not changed yet, but the situation is still incredibly perplexing. Why would Ciel Phantomhive, a child so rich that he has more money than the queen, bother to trifle with me, someone he clearly hates?

He looks up at me, and with a very domineering tone, instructs "You are not to wear something that clearly won't fit you."

I'm confused, to say the least, but I can't argue with him. He's the only reason I'm not back in the gutter of Britain. So, placing the brown corset down, I reach for a different, smaller one. Before I can stretch my arm, he grabs it. I gasp, seeing how out of character this behavior is.

"Not fit as in sizing, you idiot. I mean in colour."
He barks this phrase as he moves my hand to an intricate white corset and uses his free hand to give me a long white skirt, complete with ruffles, as well as a puffy top.

"Thank you" I replied as he let go of my hand, after all, how could I refuse. I dare not ask what his obsession with my looks is, but I must ask why he isn't leaving.

"Um.... Could I please change in privacy, young Earl?"

With a chastising tone, he backed away and replied "I would not wish to disturb you."

Just as I had finished changing into the enchanting apparel, I heard a very familiar voice.

"But I would, my dear little robin."

Yandere!Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now