Chapter 9: Mardi Gras Special

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Hello! I have stalled for too long. I've waited for Mardi Gras to post this (I'm sorry I lied last chapter I don't do well with deadlines FORGIVE ME.), but I couldn't take it any longer! I feel bad holding this back from you all. I live in New Orleans, so I thought I'd share that part of myself with you all through a timely Masquerade Ball. Enjoy! I promise I will finish the story, I just don't know when. We have much left, though. (I hope the music works correctly, It almost fits the scene depending on how quickly you read.)Thank you for sticking with it this far!!!!(*^ω^*)

Weeks upon weeks until months upon months pass as if time was sped by God, Himself. You want to see Sebastian. Now that you still think of Sebastian, a demon, so fondly, you feel as if God no longer is on your side. Considering the horrors of the unwatched Victorian slums, though, you weren't as phased by this like you probably should be.

Diligently, yet sometimes reluctantly, the Earl Phantomhive and you, brilliant (YN), reach an understanding. He learns and is free to test your patience as much as humanly possible while you are given fine clothing and distance from Michaelis. As far as you can tell, this agreement has been kept, since he has grown much more in intelligence during the past few months and you haven't seen the infamous Sebastian ever since his advances on that fateful night. As of late, you have begun wishing to revoke the restraining order on the demon. Not to mention your new wardrobe.

You have acquired quite a taste for the modern Victorian fashion over the past few months. It is February now, and the cold is still whirling throughout London. A perfect opportunity for layers and beautiful nightgown dresses. You plan to wear one of these beautiful gowns to the upcoming masquerade ball. Perhaps of black satin and red lace, to show a darker style of class, since you preferred to appear mysterious as opposed to flighty like so many of the attendants often are.

However, this is the only vanity you have acquired from high society. In wit, self image, and background you are still the same: Full, none, and even less. You always are an outsider, and are often treated as such by high society. You also have occasional feelings of company, never seen or heard yet you feel its presence. As if an angel keeps watch over you. That's what you hope for, at least. Though, your foreboding thoughts during these unsettling encounters suggest other, darker, possibilities.

Speaking of which...

Sebastian's P.O.V.
(YN), I have not spoken to you for so long that I am suffering from withdrawal. I miss you. Your lavender smell. Your perfect (HC) hair. Your body that I long to hold. I want to protect you, my little Robin. Do you wish to protect yourself from me? What kindness rests in your heart which swells mine own! You wish to help me, but I must tell you there is no reason to assist me in that capacity. I want to help you.

So surely, you could forgive my actions, though it is not as if I would need such pleasantries. I am a demon after all. And now that you know that, I just can't leave your side. A flip of my hair and the Earl allows me to watch you, despite his idiotic human promises to you to do the contrary. And yet all of my seductive tricks have not affected your affections toward me in the slightest.

Humans are such easily swayed creatures. So simpleminded. Except you, my special angel. One without wings or airs that aren't your own, making you all the more important to me. Such individuality leads to an enticing intellect and often vexing independence. Of course, this is not to say, my beloved, that your independence annoys me or is a trait I dislike (as there are no traits about you I dislike). I mean vex as in confuse, something I have never felt before. To feel unsure in my convictions, without which, a demon such as myself would go mad.

Of course, that has already happened.

So, of course, my darling little robin wouldn't mind a small bit of stalking. Or, well......perhaps a large amount. I have no inhibitions in these actions, since it is the idiotic Earl that keeps us separated. I would have killed him long ago if it were not for him and my agreement which binds me to him.

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