Chapter 12: The Deal

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(YN) P.O.V.

This darkness is overwhelming.

Has it been months? Years? When have I last spoken? Thought?

Claustrophobic feelings echo in my mind as I am trapped within freezing darkness. Something is blocking my movement and my clothing has been reduced to cold undergarments that are unable to shield me from the frosty air of the manor's cellars, forcing me into cold shivering submission. I know where I am and who put me here. But for what reason? How can I leave?

Why do I still love him desperately?

"My dearest beloved, (YN)," Sebastian's voice echoes throughout the vast catacombs underneath Phantomhive manor. I jump. That voice has been my only comfort. My only solace through everything. "I see you are awake. I know it is dark for your human eyes but you must be patient. I can't risk a fire in these dry, cold, conditions, and the only lights here are candlelight. Speak to me. Will you speak to me today?"

"Help" I whisper, simultaneously screaming on the inside. "H-help me... S-so.....c-"

"Speak up my precious Robin," his voice replies cheerfully. I can tell he's overjoyed by my voice. His figure moves, as tentatively as Sebastian will ever allow himself to be, toward my enclosure. "Speak again."It reverberates all around me and he is all I hear. All I ever hear.

"I know it's cold but I've brought your daily change of clothes and blankets just for you, Love. Come, now. Speak."

"Sebastian what is happening?" I force out, teeth chattering as I drape the thin blankets around my shivering form.

"Well it is quite simple." He replied quickly, and I saw his ungloved hand snatch bars surrounding me, the light of glowing eyes illuminating his focused face and the cage. His eyes look, resenting the blankets for covering my body. "I hate to share. That bastard of a reaper and my idiot master, once in love with me, held their gazes upon you all that time ago. You must understand that I am fine with them focusing their affections away from me, but you and I are much more than they could ever be for you. I am all you would ever need. Thus, you must stay here, for I cannot stand their attempts to steal you, my treasured (YN)."

I look up at his crestfallen face. He pities me, and I can tell he wishes I wasn't separated from him. However, his description of who I am is wrong.

" I am not a possession that is so easily taken, or a prize for you to claim as your own." My voice rasps through the bars. I haven't spoken in so long, but my words, though soft, are powerful in the demon's ears.

"I am alive, human, and opinionated. Yes I am a woman, but I stand by these aspects as it is who I am. You must understand that I do not love that which oppresses me." I look into his confused eyes. He loves the voice yet hates the words. That much is evident. " I wish to continue my love for you, but I cannot love you if I have been caged."

There is evident surprise in his face. Of course, he has the same level look as he always has, but I have been able to read him. I learned every nuance, every twitch, every habit. Sebastian Michaelis is an open book to no one but me, and that is the very reason I can forgive him for this offense.

He told me so long ago, almost as if it were a dream, that his love was dangerous. I knew from that moment on. This endeavor, this fervor, this obsession is his love. I accepted it all, and I know now as I look into his eyes that he doesn't know that. He thinks I was pushed too far.

Maybe I was. Maybe I'm completely mad. Maybe, even now, I'm out of all of it. But as I look up into Sebastian's eyes-those ruby, glowing eyes that I have cherished for longer than I can recall-I see a scared man who has never been frightened before this moment. A new feeling has swept through his form, a sign that he can't control his love. His obsession.

His desire.

"I w-wish. Wish to m-make a—make a d-deal." I stutter out, both out of nerves and the cold. I look as he comes ever closer. I do the same, and I can feel his body heat. A burning fire in a world of frozen darkness.

"My precious robin" he speaks with a bittersweet tone, but the fear is still there. "I am a demon. My deals can be the death of you. You know this."

"I d-do" I whisper, my voice stinging from the air. Every syllable hurts him much more than any sting in my throat, however. I must finish this. All of this.

"What is your request?"

"I wish to love you every moment I can for now until the end of time." I said firmly and slowly. I didn't stutter or falter and it took all of my willpower to do so. I'm exhausted. But as the words were spoken I knew they were true. "All I ask is for you not to hurt those I say not to hurt and to never lock me away ever again."

"(YN).." he looks into my eyes with his own ruby, captivating, glowing eyes and I, only for a fleeting moment, think I see tears. I know this deal is asking him to give up a piece of his freedom. This promise is asking to give a human being of the lowest status control of one of the most powerful demons of all time. It is an unfair trade, but I must try.

"If this..If this can be done I am yours" I am shaking from the fatigue. I have grown numb from the cold. I lean my face to touch my forehead to his right hand, still covered by those brilliantly white gloves that still grip a bar of my cage, and I finish my impossible bargain."And in return, you can be mine."

"My love." He moves his left hand to caress my cheek, and in this moment I realize I have never felt warmer. "I am already yours."

A flash of light occurs and I feel suspended from reality due to how quickly everything happens. Sebastian breaks the bars while protecting me from their shattering and suddenly he is clutching me as tightly as he can to his chest. We lay sitting on the ground, trying to be as close as possible. I am out of a cage and instead locked up into Sebastian's arms, which are tightly wound around me and shaking from pure joy.

"(YN), my precious little robin." He lifts up his head from my shoulder and looks at me with infatuation. Not lust. Not envy. Not greed. Not obsession.

Just love.

"May I kiss you to seal our promise?" Sebastian asks. His ask for consent proves to me that he is changing for the better. He looks at my eyes, my lips, my hair, my everything and I know that this is where we want to be. With eachother, through anything.

"Yes, you may." I reply, closing my eyes.

"I love you."

Sebastian kisses me and I know he is the one I will stay by for the rest of time, just as he shall stay by me. In this kiss I see the universe in its entirety. I see how nothing, none of it, compares to this moment in his arms.

I love you, Sebastian Michaelis.

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