017 ➙ THE END

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Armina sat in the kitchen of the facility, her hands clasped within her lap as she looked up at Sam standing in the doorway.

"Not gonna kill me, are you?" He asked with his arms folded across his chest.

"Are you ever gonna shut up over me wanting to kill you?" She retorted as she tilted her head.

"Probably not."

"Good because I'm never gonna shut up about an ant kicking your ass." She responded, a grin forming on her lips.

"That was one time!" He defended quickly, throwing his arms into the air in defeat.

"You still got your ass beat while wearing the Falcon suit." She shot, smirking in response to his look of defeat.

"Nat called, she wants us to come in and help with the new recruits. And well, for us to train. Seeing as though, we haven't much." Armina explained as she stood up from the seat.

He nodded once in agreement. "Alright then, let's go see what they've gotten themselves into this time."

"The jets landing sometime soon." She explained. "She didn't give an exact time, just said soon. Which means, you better go get your bird suit."

"It's not a bird suit." He was quick to correct her as she grinned at him.

"It is and you know it. Come on, Sammy Boy. We've gotta head down before they get here." She gave his arm a tug as she walked passed him, heading for the elevators of the facility.

Luckily enough, as they headed for the the training room, they heard the sounds of the jet. And they knew that it was landing just outside.

"Go ahead and head to the training room, I'm gonna wait for Natasha." Armina said as she turned towards Sam, who nodded in response.

After wandering about, Armina finally found Natasha in a room by herself.

"I see you survived." She spoke up as she stood beside the red-head.

"Of course I did." She smiled as she looked over at her best friend, raising her eyebrows.

"What happened?" Armina asked as she looked at the wall ahead of them.

"Took Ultron down, some died in the process. Banner left, zero trace of his aircraft." She explained, making the brunette let out a sigh.

"So, basically what happens almost every mission? Kick ass, lose some people in the process." The brunette inquired.

"Unfortunately." Natasha heaved a sigh before Steve walked into the room.

"You want to keep staring at the wall, or do you want to go to work? I mean, it's a pretty interesting wall." He asked as he walked up behind the two, making them turn.

"I thought you and Tony were still gazing into each other's eyes. How do we look?" Natasha responded as they turned and followed alongside Steve to the training room.

"Well, we're not the '27 Yankees." Steve replied, earning a short laugh from Armina before he handed a tablet to Natasha.

"We're better, Cap." Armina stated as she flashed Steve a sarcastic smile.

"We've got some hitters." Natasha stated as she handed the tablet to Armina, allowing her to have look over the new recruits.

"They're good, they're not a team." Steve responded.

"Let's beat 'em into shape." Natasha stated, making Armina through her fist into the air as if proclaiming victory.

"And kick ass like the badass we are." Armina added on quickly before they entered the training room. As they did so, many gathered in.

Rhodey in his War Machine suit, Sam in his Falcon suit, Wanda Maximoff in her typical attire, and Vision (who Armina had yet to meet).

"Aven-" Steve was cut off by Armina as her eyes fell on Vision, her eyes widening.

"What the hell is that?"


aNd that concludes the first book! I love the ending so much, oh dear. I hope you guys have enjoyed this story as much as I have! I cannot wait to post the sequel. of course, when I do, you guys will be the first to find out. Thank you all for so much love/votes/comments/reads on this story, it truly means a lot.

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