011 ➙ GONE

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Steve's body had been found unconscious on the shore, clearly drug from the water he had fallen into. All the others could conclude was that Bucky had remembered, and in turn, saved him. His body had been carried off the river bank and to a vehicle that took him to the nearest hospital.

Sam had decided to be there when he woke up, and so did Armina. They sat side by side at Steve's bedside. Armina had her head rested on Sam's shoulder as Marvin Gaye's "Trouble Man" played throughout the room.

"How do you feel?" Sam whispered as he glanced down at her before wrapping his arm around her. He pulled her as close as the arm rests between them would allow.

"Tired. I wish the old man over here would wake up." She grumbled in response before a voice caught their attention.

"On your left." Steve spoke groggily from the hospital bed, making both Sam and Armina lean forward with a smile on their lips.

"I was starting to worry about you, Spangles." Armina raised her brows as he gave her a faint smile in return. "How do you feel?"

"Like I fell into the Potomac after being knocked unconscious." He responded sarcastically.

"Reasonable." She smiled before slipping out of Sam's arms, standing up.

"Well, Cap, it was a pleasure working with you." She stepped forward, giving his hand a shake. "Being under the radar was a whole lot more comfortable."

"You're leaving?" Both Steve and Sam questioned.

"It's not like I'm dying." She retorted, glancing between the two men that were staring at her with confusion and concern. She turned, giving Sam a smile before he stood, putting his hand out for her to shake.

"Funny." She muttered before grabbing his shirt, pulling him closer to herself. She pressed their lips together for the second time that day, this time making it last. She didn't know how long it'd be before they would meet again. In turn, she had to make the best of it, Even though she didn't want to leave, she had to. She couldn't get stuck in this mess all over again, she didn't want to.

Her arms had slipped down, around his waist. Carefully, she slipped a folded piece of paper into his jacket pocket as she pulled away from him.

"Behave." She stated as she stepped backwards, pointing a finger at both of the men. They gave her a small smile in response before she slipped out of the door, disappearing down the hospital corridor.

Sam let out a sigh as he turned to look at Steve, seeing him giving him a smile. "Oh, shut up."

"You gonna go after her?" Steve asked as he nodded his head towards the door that Armina had just walked through. Sam shoved his hands into his jacket pocket as he shrugged before feeling the slip of paper inside of it. His face filled with confusion as he pulled it out before reading it. He couldn't help but smile as he read the note, knowing just who it was from.

'I'm still here, if you need me. Check the nearest club first.'

Later that night, as Sam finally made his way back home, he felt off. It felt different without Armina's sarcastic comments left and right. As he walked into his house, heading straight for his bed. It had been a long, tiring day. At this point, all he wanted was sleep. Before he finally decided to call it a night, he took a shower. And god, it felt great.

He pulled on a pair of sweatpants before leaving the bathroom, and as he made his way towards his room a light in the kitchen caught his eye. He could've sworn he had turned the lights off before he had gone to take a shower. He mumbled incoherent things underneath his breath as he went to turn off the light. As he did so, he heard a voice fill his ears. He looked up to find the one and only Armina Patel sitting on his counter.

"I couldn't stay away for too long."

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