Nobody's Angel: Ch. 32 Part 1 {A Vampire Romance}

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I woke up once again, noticing that this time the sun was shining through the curtains. Seth and I had practically stayed in bed all day, just loving each other, either with words or actions. We'd had the movie day the next day, in which neither one of us would be able to tell you a single movie that had been played.

Seth had some very creative ideas for his ten days. Let me do a quick rundown for you. First day: we went to the mall. Second day: we spent in the pool. Third day: we relaxed in bed. Fourth day: we had a movie day. Fifth day: Seth and I danced all day; well, I danced all day and half the time he just watched me. Sixth day: we went to the fair. Seventh day: he took me to a hospital were we got to see a bunch of kids recovering from cancer or brain tumors or other serious diseases that no one deserves. I almost cried at how many there were that were getting better and had won their fight. Eighth day: he took me to my top two favorite bands concerts: Skillet and Nicki Mnaj. (He refused to let me go to an Eminem concert, saying that he was the only guy who I was allowed to solely look up to.) Yesterday: he took me to the zoo.

Today, I had no idea what he was going to do. I was super excited anyway, though. It was probably going to be the best day yet.

It all started when Cassie woke Seth and I up by throwing open our door and jumping onto the bed. Her hands took a hold of my shoulders, shaking me. My eyes flew open.

"I missed it! I missed iiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt!" she screamed.

"Missed wha?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"My period! I'm never late, and I missed it!" she laughed ecstatically.

"So you think you're prego?" I asked her, just to make sure I got what she was saying. I could already feel a headache coming on from her constant yelling. I cursed the day she joined choir and strengthened her vocal chords.

"I think so! I'm never late!" she repeated, as if this was all the proof she needed.

"Let's go ask Julie," I sighed, attempting to get up. Seth's arm refused to budge. "Seth," I whined. "Let go."

"No way," he answered, tucking me against him tighter. I flopped back down. I'm sure I've said this before, but there was no reasoning in arguing with Seth Valdez. The boy was more stubborn than I was.

I glanced up at Cassie, who was still bouncing up and down in place. "Are Seth and I the only responsible ones around here?" I asked her sarcastically. Of course we were. I was not going to be a sixteen year old mother. No way, not gonna happen.

"Oh, please," Cody said, finally coming in. I was wondering how far behind Cassie he was. "You and Seth? Responsible? Don't even try pulling that excuse, princess. I hear your moans every other day. God knows you guys probably do it on the days I don't hear you, too."

My mouth gapped open. My cheeks felt like they were on fire, and that fire easily spread to my neck and ears. "You-I-what?" I stuttered. Cody smirked at me mockingly.

"You did what?" Cassie interrupted. Oh shit. "I can't believe you didn't tell me! You already did it? Why did I not hear of this? Oh, whatever. The fact is you finally did it. Anyways, how big-"

"Cassandra!" I yelled. "I don't know which I'm more ashamed of you for! Assuming that I wouldn't tell you when I had sex, and I would probably the very next day if not the day of for the record, or if you were just about to ask what I know you were about to ask!"

She shrugged shamelessly. "What can I say, I'm a curious girl."

"Little too curious," Cody mumbled, shooting Seth a murderous glare. I glared back at him, silently telling him to back off. The only ones allowed to glare at my man were me, his mom (which I could totally understand. I mean, come on, it's his mom), and his dad (because he intimidates me. Guilty as charged. Have you seen his glare?!).

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