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Skating gone wrong..? (724 words)


"I am so not good at this!" Bones screamed as he tumbled past Pavel and I before crashing into Jim.

"Get out of the way, Bones!" Jim yelled at him as he tried to get up from the ice. I skated up to them as I was examining the scene in front of me.

"What just happened here, Captain?" I asked him while helping them get up.

"Bones here," Jim pointed over to where he stood, "crashed into me without even giving me a heads-up..."

"Excuse me?" Bones scoffed as he adjusted his beanie that was slightly crooked. "For your information, Jim, you were standing in my way!"

"What is going on 'ere?" Scotty skated up to where we were standing while he was holding a cup of hot cocoa.

"Just some disagreements between Jim and Bones..." I muttered, shaking my head as Pavel helped the two men. 

"Thank you, Mr. Chekov..." Jim mumbled to Pavel as he slowly got up from the frozen ground. 

"No problem, keptin..." Pavel nodded his head before helping Bones get up. "Stay safe out there!" 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...." Bones waved him off before continuing off to possibly crashing into more people. Jim rolled his eyes and skated off to somewhere else. 

"Sorry about zat, Y/N." Pavel let out a sigh before turning back to me. "Shall we continue zkating?" 

Nodding my head, he outstretched his hand for me to take. Which I gladly did and he twirled me around before dipping me and kissed me on the lips. 

"Mr.Chekov! Lt. Y/N!" Kirk's shouts caused us to pull away from the kiss and made us look at him. He was lying on the ground again, but this time, he was twisted like a pretzel and it didn't look so good. 

"Well, that's the last time we're ever going to skate..." I muttered to myself as Pavel shook his head.

"Coming, keptin Kirk..." He sighed to himself before shooting me an apologetic look. Smiling at him, I urged him to go help the captain. 


"That's the last time that I'll ever be out on the ice..." Jim muttered to himself as he downed the shot of scotch in less than a second. "Damn, that's some good scotch!" 

"And," Bones sneakily crept behind him and gave him a hypo for his pain relief. "There we go!" 

"Bones! What was that for!?" He shrieked at the feeling of the hypo and his hands flew up to where Bones had inserted the needle. 

"You took a lot of tumbles and falls today, Captain..." I started to speak as I drank my beverage. "Don't you remember?" 

"To be honest, all I remember is that moment when Bones had crashed into me." He raised his hands up before Spock raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Captain, do you not remember when you crashed into Mr. Scott and I like a wrecking ball?" Spock groaned as he adjusted himself in his seat. "My ribs are still hurting, thanks to you captain." 

"Keptin!" Pavel walked into the room with a frantic look on his face. We all stopped our discussions and looked at him in case he had to deliver some urgent news. 

"Yes, Mr. Chekov? What seems to be the problem?" Spock looked at the young Russian ensign before taking a sip of the scotch. 

"Has anyone seen where my scotch has gone? I can't seem to find it anywhere...." Pavel searched around the room before catching Kirk with the bottle. Immediately, I face-palmed myself and shook my head. 

"Jim, did you steal that from Pavel's quarters?" My eyes widened as soon as I saw the label 'property of Chekov' on the bottle. 

"I thought this was from the bar!" Kirk shook his head before Bones let out an obnoxiously loud cough. 

"Yeah! Uh, it was from the bar..." Bones backed away from the group before leaving the room, causing Pavel to chase after him. 

"Hold on, we're coming!" We all screamed as soon as we heard yells and shouts coming from both Bones and Pavel. 


I admit, it's a bit crappy... But, I tried my best with it and I'm proud of it! First imagine of the book cheked off (didn't even realize what I did there)! 

Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! Have a GREAT rest of your day or night and I'll see you later!

- Priya :)

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