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"ALPHA,ALPHA!" a young child's voice echoes through the dampness of the rainforests trees.."what is it young one?" the ALPHA asked."a ship has landed outside our boarders."the child said."what! Are you sure Jashawa?" the ALPHA'S mate bluestar asked."Yes. And there are two in the ship,a young boy and a girl. The girl is a shape shifter,and the boy is a....a..." Jashawa couldn't say what Ezra was."oh for Pete sake spit it out Jashawa."the ALPHA said."He's a NIGHTMARE.there I said it he's a NIGHTMARE.". Loud gasps could be heard all around them."are you sure he is what you say."the ALPHA Max said in a serious tone. "Yeah,everybody here knows that their all extinct".the child's older brother said."your older brother is right jashawa." the alpha said."oh screw you David."Jashawa said mentally. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THAT WAY TO YOUR OLDER BROTHER JASHAWA!!!!!??" David said mentally yelling at his younger brother through their bond."I..I..I..I'm sorry David but I know what I saw he was a NIGHTMARE,and I know BECAUSE I saw that he had Fox ears,fox teeth and claws on his hands and feet." Jashawa said through the bond him and his brother have. "Very well,then we shall go spy on this boy and if he is what you say then we'll bring him back here and let the alpha deal with him" David said through the bond."then let's go find him."

Shasta's ship landed out-side of geanosisa. "Umm. Do you know what's here whatever your name is?"Ezra asked."oh,trust me I do."Shasta said with a smirk as she dragged Ezra by the shackles around his ankles."AAAAHH STOOOP PLEASSSE STOP!?"Ezra said crying in agony "oh don't be such a baby."Shasta said tugging harder on the shackles making Ezra cry in pain more,and louder makeing Ezra's voice echo through the forests edges.the Shackles tore through Ezra's skin like paper covering his pants with fresh blood that will atrack the horrible beasts from the deepest, darkest,and dampest places for his nice fresh flesh and blood.


David and his little brother Jashawa were in the Bushes watching for the two people in the ship to walk by, in this part of the forest it's only a one-way path to the abandoned imperial tower ahead that's when they saw a teenage girl dragging a 14 to 15 year old boy by shackles around his ankles. The boy was covered just covered in what looked like fresh blood. The shackles were tearing through his skin as if he was no more then paper. David also heard the boy scream and yell in pain. They saw the girl tie the boy to a tree and she says "one day you'll learn not to mess with the big girls. I'll just have to teach you myself." Then she slams him into the tree and into the ground. Now the boy had even more blood on his clothes and more cuts,bruises,scraps on his arms, legs,neck,and abdomen. "What should we do she's killing the kid, David I'm looking to you for an answer."Jashawa said looking at his older brother."we watch father said not to engage with the shifter or the boy."David said.
That's when they hear the boy scream in pain. "AHHHH. STOOOOP." The boy cryed out trying to get her to stop hurting him.

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