Chapter 1: Kill the Teacher

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Disclaimer: I do not own Assassination Classroom or any of the characters in here, however the story is mine ^...^

A/N: I welcome any feedback or comments. For the rude ones, come at me bro. Best keep your eyes open when you sleep.

However, for everyone else, thank you for anyone who is about to read this. Although I don't update very fast (because I'm a good-for-nothing lazy bum who hates all work) I hope you very to enjoy the story as I update.

Classroom of Class-E

Nagisa sighed as the class stared at him while holding back laughs to see who their new teacher would be. The kids who saw him the other day now somewhat respected him, but the other kids who had ditched the first day of school didn't know what was coming to them.

"Okay. Good morning class. I am Mr.Shiota your new homeroom teacher to those of you who weren't here yesterday. I'm going to do the attendance roll call so please speak up when your name is called." The kids who came in just that day were pissed at how calm he could be in a situation like this. Being short, looking like a girl, and stepping into a room full of delinquents like it was an everyday thing.

"Who the fuck do you think we are?," one of the kids called out. He was bald and very bulky compared to most of the kids in the class. He stood up with his face fuming. It was turning into a repeat of the first day. He grabbed Nagisa by the front of his shirt. "You want to be fucking killed?"

Nagisa smirked slightly at the word. Killed. Kill.

"Hey, you probably shouldn't do that," said one of the kids who were here the other day, who had a terrified look on his face.

Nagisa took this chance when he turned around to face the kid he was about to scream at. With his snake like techniques, he wrapped his legs around his neck and spun behind him too quick for Mr. Bald to react, slipping a paper cutter out of his pocket and aimed it carefully on his neck making sure any movement would cut him slightly.

"Who the crap are you?," he asked frozen in pace unable to do anything but talk.

"I'm your teacher obviously," he answered with a smile, hiding all the bloodlust behind the single smile he showed and set himself down, patting off his pants. "So where were we?"

The day kept on progressing normally. Or at least it should have. During break, a pocket knife came flying at him but it didn't hit. Nagisa had grabbed the knife by the hilt and covered his presence, slithering his way to the person who threw it at him and behind him.

"Ashida-san, I prefer you not do this kind of thing during break," Nagisa whispered into his ear. Ashida turned around sharply and felt his nose sting very slightly and saw the knife poking the tip of his nose.

"I-I'm very sorry Mr.Shiota. I won't do this again," he answered. As if. Was what Nagisa was thinking at the moment. He sighed and walked back to the front.

"Your probably thinking that we're a bunch a losers huh?," one of the few girls called out. "Cause we're class-E, RIGHT?" Clicking her tongue and glared at him while he continued to walk to the front.

"Well let me tell you something. Believe it or not I used to be in class-E 7 years ago. So calling you losers...well that would probably hurt me more than you guys. Especially my teacher. " Nagisa chuckled then snapped back into focus as the atmosphere around them got heavy.

Everyone had a stopped what they we're doing to look at him with a terrified, yet fascinated looks.

"Oi... seven years ago was...when there was a monster teaching the kids wasn't it?," one of the kids in the front asked a bit nervously.

"It's still popular like, everywhere. I mean, there's no one in the world who doesn't know it right?," a blonde girl asked from a window seat sucking on a lollipop.

"Hah, so what. That's lame," one of the boys in the back row said with a smirk.

He had a dark shade of red for his hair, and his eyes we're sharp as if always on the look out. And strangely it reminded Nagisa of-

"Hey Ms.Teacher, hurry up and teach it to us," the girl who clicked her tongue said with a bored expression.

"I'm a Mister, " he answered with a light smile. And continued teaching.

-5 hour time skip-

Class ended soon enough and Nagisa stretched while looking out the window deep in thought.

In the end I couldn't choose one Koro-sensei. So I chose both. Packing up his things, he slipped into the bathroom when no one was neaby anymore and changed his clothes as quickly as he can.

I guess I'm prepared now. Nagisa thought and walked out the school feeling a slight breeze on his thighs.

-Karma-kun's Workplace-

Karma looked at his fancy diamond encrusted watch and smiled. He packed up his things and called out, "I'm leaving, " getting a few nods from the male workers and some squeals from the new female workers.

I guess it's time.

He opened the door to his blue Lamborghini, put the key in the ignition and pushed his red hair back as he sped off to do his second job, his most favored job of the two he had.


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