Chapter 3: Cherry Blossoms

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I almost like...never put up this many chapters on the same week. really a surprise for me. I'm actually doing work willingly, considering how much of a lazy bum I've been these past few years. I am very happy, even if it means staying up til like 12 to finish these chapters only to post it up the next day because I see that I made a ton of mistakes.

I should be thankful for the fact that I rarely get writers block. c:

Anyone not like the story? How old are you guys? (Just curious) Should I continue with this series even though I have trouble remembering that I have to check this 24/7? o 3o

Who knows. I'm just curious because people are actually paying attention to my freaking stories. I'm so happy to have people like you guys actually read and enjoy my stories. Thank you everyone~ <3

Karma-kun's Lamborghini

"So you like the name hmm," Karma said with a smirk and raised eyebrow without looking away from the road. "Then would you mind if we changed your name from Nagisa Shiota to Nagisa Akabane. "

"W-what?", Nagisa stuttered out blushing. "A-are you k-kidding? students will call me Mr.A-Akabane...," he hid his face behind his hands unable to continue talking. He just stayed in that position for a few minutes. Then Nagisa muttered, "I wouldn't mind."

Karma smirked. Once again Nagisa had fallen pray to his sweet talk. The jobs he took on that had to do with seducing someone would usually make the person talk to him sweetly, but it would never, ever make him react like he does to Karma. Maybe it was because he sounded like he meant it or most likely- a buzz in his bag made him jump and crash him back into the gates of reality. And at the same time a buzz sounded from Karma's pocket in his pants.

"Hey Karma," Nagisa said out loud looking at the message with a smile. "It looks like there's going to be a get-together in our old classroom," he said with a smile. He tapped away at his phone sending a text at lightning speed. "I'll tell them we'll be there okay?"

"Yeah, and when we go in they'll be surprised," he said with a laugh. "So how long are you planning to stay in the car?" The car had stopped a long while ago but Nagisa was still texting Kayano who had sent her the text about meeting up.

"Oh! S-sorry," He stuttered and got out of the car, taking his now blood soaked bag and walked to the door of the giant house where the two of them had lived for, well as soon as they moved out of their old houses and got their jobs.

They entered the house talking about what sort of jobs some of their old classmates might have after the seven years that they were apart.

"Nagisa," Karma said after a bit with a seductive tone, "you sounded very into it today. Seducing the fat lolicon and showing him a nice view right?" He clicked the door close and put his hand on Nagisa's waist, bending down for a kiss.

"Geez, seeing you have to bend down just reminds me how tall you grew," Nagisa said with a pout. He had to now look up to face Karma properly because of his height.

"I didn't grow tall, you just didn't grow at all," he answered with a smirk and picked him up princess style to their huge bedroom while kissing him over and over, biting the bluenette's lips every so often. Throwing the bloodstained bag on the floor and the phone on a desk next to the bed.

Nagisa was dropped onto the bed, and in a matter of seconds his pants were off. Leaving only his boxers to cover the lower half of his body.

"Nagisa-chan, you look very excited today," Karma whispered into his ear and put his hand in between the bluenette's legs, stroking it up and down making his partner moan in pleasure, his face red from both the heat and the embarrassment.

"Sh-shut up," Nagisa managed to say, grabbing the sheets with one hand and covering his moans with the other while Karma smiled down at him and kept his hand in motion, then pulled off his partners boxers slowly while kissing him, licking his bottom lip and was granted access to make the kiss deeper. Karma's hand started working it's way toward the blushing boy's cock when suddenly his phone rang.

At first they ignored it and tried to continue but it kept ringing over and over.

"Y-you should probably pick it up," Nagisa said with a weak smile and got up as Karma angrily picked up his phone and left the room while Nagisa cleaned himself up and put his boxers and pants back on, mumbling under his breath how they never have the time to do this anymore.

He just lay on the king size bed that the two shared thinking about tomorrow when all of the classmates from when he was in junior high gather up together, and how differently they would all act compared to before and before he knew it, his vision got hazy and he dozed off.

Karma dragged himself back into their bedroom sighing and combing his fingers through his red hair. He was tired after talking to the people from his work and stopping the calls and text messages from the girls from his work. Knew I shouldn't have given them my phone number.

"Sorry Nagisa," Karma started, only to be met by the sound of soft snoring. "Couldn't you wait even a bit for me?" He whispered and chuckled brushing some of the blue hair away from Nagisa's eyes. And if your going to sleep, at least change.

He tugged the thin blanket over him and decided to join the bluenette. The cherry blossom is out huh? he thought to himself silently, hugging the boy next to him tightly. The month when we both confessed to each other and started going out. He started dozing off soon too.

His dream took place outside the classroom after everyone had left except him and Nagisa who were both standing under a tree.

"K-karma-kun. I wanted to tell you something before w-we both graduated junior highschool," Nagisa stuttered looking down half blushing.

"Y-yeah," the Karma in his dream replied also looking down. "M-me too."

They stayed silent for a second while the wind blew, covering them both in a shower of cherry blossoms that seemed to have gave them a bit of courage considering the mood.

"I like you!," they both had yelled simultaneously and out of shock, they looked at each other. They both burst out laughing. It seemed like it was in a drama with them coincidentally saying the same thing at the same time, but soon calmed down when they realized exactly what the other had said.

"So you like me Nagisa-kun?," Karma said with a smirk, breaking the silence between them. He chuckled a little bit then did something he almost never did. He showed Nagisa his soft side. "I'm...glad." Then pulled him in to embrace him, both of them blushing hard enough to the point that their face was as red as Karma's hair.

Nagisa was shocked at first, then melted into the embrace whispering softly into the red-head's ear, "I love you Karma."

Now writing THAT made me feel pretty good about myself. Like really good.
(Like mostly that last part)

Sorry for the cock-block to anyone who was starting to get excited about it. I won't blame anyone if someone tried to come into my room and kill me tonight. I really won't. But don't worry, it won't be the end of it. I promise.

Also I'll try to make the chapter longer but the update will take longer. So If anyone would be so kind as to comment which one you want.

Longer chapter, longer time to upload. Same chapter but shorter time to upload. :3
I leave the decision in your hands.

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