Chapter 5: Alcohol

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I don't know how many times I've said Thank You to you guys. (Like almost every chapter in here?) I have no words to say this time around so hmmm.....

Well I guess that just means that you can start reading faster~
Yup. So have fun reading another chapter of Karmagisa!!!

They had made it to the nearest road around the mountain and had decided to park the car there because the trees were too close together to ride the car in, and they were getting some exercise and fun out of it all the same. At least that went for Karma.

"K-karma-kun, how am I supposed to get to the school like this?," Nagisa stuttered with an uncomfortable look plastered on his face. Not only had Karma forced him to wear a skirt, but also some panties that went along with it. His whole bottom would be exposed if he was skipping through trees like he used to.

"Don't worry, no one should be in the mountain right now, right?," Karma said with an evil grin, making his way into a tree. "So are you coming or not?" He held out his hand while making sure the bag with the drinks were safe on his back. Still nervous, the blue haired boy took his hand and swung himself up and onto the tree next to him.

Soon after Nagisa's nerves calmed down, they started swinging from tree to tree up to where their old junior high school stood at the peak of the mountain. Karma followed Nagisa from behind, getting flashes every now and then from the jumps he made. Of course the bluenette realized within a few seconds.

"Karma-kun! S-stop looking at me! No actually stay in front of me," he practically yelled out with a red face and pulled down the skirt.

"Aww, but I was having fun in my VIP place behind you," Karma pouted, then smiled going ahead two trees. "Just make sure no one else sees," and right when Karma said that a bunch of people started going up the mountains. It was the rest of their old classmates. All of them were carrying a bunch of things that Nagisa assumed was for the party.

Then when he realized, he lost control of his nerves, afraid that they would see him and one foot slipped. Before the bluenette knew it, he was in strong hands of Karma, behind a tree where no one could see them. The others passed by in a few minutes, then they both sighed heavily.

"Now that could have been dangerous," Karma sighed. "In more ways then one." Once they got themselves together, the two had mentally decided that they shouldn't use the trees anymore and continued walking. The red-head hadn't noticed before but Nagisa was shaking slightly for an unknown reason.

Unable to react to this, he just stuck out his hand which Nagisa gladly took, blushing, but continued to walk the rest of their way to the school in an awkward yet somewhat soothing silence. Nagisa was actually shaking from embarrassment. Even though he slipped, he knew he could have landed perfectly, but being held in Karma's hands was comforting. And being offered a hand from him, was probably one of the best things a person could get from him since he almost never shows his soft side.

Without realizing it, the two had half consciously walked into their old classroom where everyone that was setting up things for the party was staring at them wide eyed and completely speechless. Karma was blushing, just as much as Nagisa who was wearing a short skirt and shirt that looked oddly familiar.

"N-nagisa?," both Sugino and Kayano stuttered, both flustered at the view that they saw in front of them.

"Oi, Karma?," Terasaka laughed, "Couldn't find a nice girl so you stooped as low as to get a guy?" The other guys laughed until they could barely breath. Karma, now completely focused on what was happening crossed his arms.

"Nope," he answered with a smirk as the laughter died down while the atmosphere around Karma darkened. "All the girls are after me. It just so happens to be that Nagisa here is much better in bed, and have better looks than all the girls I've met in my life."

A few moments passed, then the squeal of the girls sounded in the room, while all the girls stampeded after Nagisa to hug him as a congratulations, except for Ritsu who was already in Nagisa's phone. But to their surprise, they realized that no one in the room was hugging Nagisa, but instead hugging a very confused Yukiko-san while Nagisa stood in the corner of the room after snaking his way out of the bunch of girls who hadn't realized him passing by them.

"From your moves I'm guessing you continued assassination Nagisa-kun," Itona said with an expressionless face, then raised a hand and pat Nagisa on the head once. "And you didn't grow a bit." Over the seven years, Itona had become a bit softer compared to before from all the interaction with others from fixing his family's factory. But he knew how to tick off people with just a couple of words.

"I did grow! I grew one...centimeter," Nagisa said in defeat and sighed. "A-anyways, why don't we go and g-grab a drink?," he offered, wanting to take his mind off his height problem. Practically dragging Itona to the table where several different liquors and alcohols were laid out along with cups he poured them a mild whiskey, practically forcing their cups together, clinking them loudly. Itona had taken just one swig, but the bluenette chugged it down, somewhat pissed.

That was the moment that he realized what the awful feeling in his stomach was before he left the house. And this was the worst situation.

He had a very low alcohol tolerance.

"Oi, Nagisa-chan? You okay?," a voice echoed in his mind. It was Maehara's voice who had been drinking with Isogai near them. Nagisa waned to fight back but the strength was leaving him, making him a bit unstable.

"I don't think he's okay..."
Get Karma, was what Nagisa wanted to say but couldn't. The alcohol was already half way in control.
"Sugino, your friends with....can you tell what's...on?"
"I.....know...never.....this way."

The words had started slurring together while he gripped the table to balance himself.

Not...good. Have to....get...out...of.... And that was the last thought he had control of before the string to reason snapped.

Wow that took a lot of freaking effort to write this story. For the first time in a while, I didn't know what to write except for the fact that Nagisa was going to end up drunk one way or another.

Please tell me did I do a good job? (Please sugar coat a little if it's a bit harsh) T-T

Also, what kind of drunk do you expect Nagisa to be? Or rather what kind of drunk do you WANT him to be? :3

First comment/ suggestion will be chosen. c:

Thanks so much for continuing to read my very rushed, crazy story!!!
Lets see how Nagisa will turn out in the next chapter. ;)

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