Chapter 1

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AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws awoke in her beautiful room in her treehouse in the rainforest. It was a very gorgeous day and the sun was shining extra hard.
Mommy always tells me the sun shines just for me! Said the spoiled, sparkly dragonet. She got up and stretched in an amazing intensely gorgeous arch of her back. Amethyst was a hybrid. She was half RainWing, half NightWing because her mother was Queen Glory and her father was King Deathbringer. She also had magic NightWing powers of mind reading and visions of the future since she was born under two moons. She had large sparkly teardrop scales at the corners of her eyes, just like Moonwatcher, who was ten years older than her.
AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws smiled to herself and walked outside, hearing the presence of one of her royal princess-ey servants.
"Hello! Like, servants! I'm awake and like, NOBODY brought me any fresh fruit this morning " she pouted, waiting for the RainWing to scramble up onto the balcony that overlooked a very beautiful view and give her a basket of fresh-picked peaches.

After AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws finished her very awesome and royal breakfast, she decided to fly around the village for no apparent reason because she didn't have anything else to do. She could hear all the thoughts of the dragons below, and it was giving her a headache. Using a trick Moon taught her, Amethyst focused on the sound of birds chirping because that was her very favorite sound in the whole world. Suddenly and magically, all the other thoughts disappeared.
As she was soaring over a garden of flowers, she heard a messenger calling her name between panting. She stopped in midair and hovered, waiting for the tired out NightWing messenger to give Amethyst her message. He was panting very hard and struggling to reach her, though, because AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws was such an amazing flier and was great at everything that the NightWing had had trouble catching up to her.
"Yes?" Asked Amethyst in a sweet innocent princess voice because apparently all princesses are helpless and innocent.
"I have a message from Queen Glory," said the very tired out NightWing, gasping for breath. "She wants to see you in her royal pavilion."
"Very well," said Amethyst as she ignored the lowlife messenger who then passed out from his efforts to reach her and fell to his death.

When AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws reached her mother's royal pavilion she saw her mother and father sitting on the magical royal thrones that are suddenly there even though there have never been thrones in the RainWing village. She landed in front of her parents and sat down, awaiting whatever news her parents had for her.
"AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws," said Glory in a sweet, kind, completely and totally out-of-character voice. "Your sixth hatching day is tomorrow, so we will be sending you to Jade Mountain Academy so you can begin school." Glory smiled like the sweet, kind, out-of-character mother she was. AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws could hear Glory's thoughts though, and she was very worried about Amethyst.
Will my darling beautiful sweetheart be ok? Went Glory's completely out-of-character thoughts.
And then, after her brain let it sink in for a good sixty seconds, AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws realized what her mother meant.
"Like, oh no and stuff!" Cried Amethyst, clapping her talons over her snout dramatically.

"Like, oh no and stuff!" Cried Amethyst, clapping her talons over her snout dramatically

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