Chapter 4

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AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws was very happy that she had made new friends. Of course, she totally knew she would and stuff because her perfect elegant snout and beautiful hybrid colors were just too much for the other dragons to handle. Amethyst was very sexy.
The day after the incident with the nurse, Amethyst and her new friends were sitting in the prey hall, eating hairy smelly carcass things. Suddenly as Amethyst bit into her dead animal, she heard another voice in her head. And this time it wasn't Moon.
Hello little child. Said the creepy voice, I've been watching you. You are very peculiar.
OMG. Laik, who are you? Asked Amethyst, a little creeped out by the stalker.
How is it that NONE of the young mind readers who come here know my name? He grumbled to himself, letting out a sigh. I am Darkstalker. I'm a friend of Moon's. And I'm trapped under the mountain and need saved and stuff.
You're under the mountain? Like, OMG! How?
That's not important right now, little Amethyst. How are you a hybrid? I can't imagine a NightWing having eggs with a RainWing of all creatures.
Oh! Amethyst thought, totally unconcerned and not sensing any danger whatsoever even though this voice was creepy and intrusive and randomly asking her questions. My parents are Queen Glory and King Deathbringer. I'm a princess! Also my mom and dad are totally in love and stuff so then they hatched me!
Darkstalker was silent for a few moments, as if trying to process this. Amethyst took advantage of his silence and tried to break into his mind for some reason. It didn't take her very long at all because she was obviously such an amazingly wonderful mind-reader who had powers beyond anyone's imagining. She was obviously one of The Three.
Darkstalker was still being silent for some reason, so Amethyst continued to listen to his thoughts even though he wasn't aware of her doing so apparently.
OMG. Thought Darkstalker, I can't believe the NightWings are breeding with RainWings. It's totally undignified and stuff and is bad for some reason. I need to put an end to it.
"Like, gasp!" AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws said out loud, clasping her talons over her snout dramatically and suddenly getting a hard, very extremely painful pounding working its way up her spine. Suddenly, all her friends looked at her. But Amethyst didn't even notice because she was too busy being dramatic and in pain. Then she started to speak.
"OMG, like, beware the stalker because he's going to hurt dragons.
Also beware a friend because they'll probably betray you in the future and stuff.
A dragon with awesome beautiful beauty with come and save the day with her amazing powers that no one can even comprehend.
Everything will blow up and everyone will die and stuff.
Unless the amazingly beautiful dragon finds her true love and totally heroically stops the stalker." Amethyst stopped speaking her prophecy and collapsed dramatically and tiredly into Uberstrong's buff arms that were very strong and muscular and stuff. Black spots were appearing on her vision, and she just barely noted her new friends looking at her with very concerned expressions before she fainted.

 Black spots were appearing on her vision, and she just barely noted her new friends looking at her with very concerned expressions before she fainted

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