Chapter 5

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Amethyst woke up in the infirmary again, her friends leaning over her again.
"OMG, like, what happened!" Cried AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws in a very distressed voice.
"Uh, you, like, fainted. And stuff. Are you, like, okay or whatever?" Asked Uberstrong, looking very handsome.
"Yeah, I think I'm okay, or whatever. But oh no! Now I'll totally get bullied for some reason!" She wailed, wiping a tear from her eye with a talon.
"Like, gasp." Said Pointy.
"Do you guys, like, wanna do introductions or something? Even though we already did and this is a really strange time for it?" Asked Crystal, obviously wanting them to know something.
"Like, sure!" Said Amethyst, "I'm the daughter of Queen Glory and King Deathbringer. I'm the rainforest princess." She made sure she sounded very important and princess-ey.
"I'm the daughter of Queen Tsunami and King Riptide. Even though Tsunami never wanted to be queen and was gonna let one of my aunts be queen. But oh well." Said Crystalblueoceanwave.
"I'm the son of Clay and Peril. Somehow they had an egg. But I magically have fireproof scales so it works." Said Uberwalkstronglegs with a sassy snap of his talons.
"I'm the son of Starflight and Fatespeaker. For some reason none of us have met even though our parents are really close friends." Said Mysticdarkpoisonman.
"Well, except mine. You guys don't know my parents. I'm a very normal SandWing with normal parents. And that's all I'm gonna say because the author didn't feel like creating names or personalities for them." Said Pointy, tossing her head and looking down at her black painted talons at the same time again. Amethyst was pretty sure she was emo or something.
"Wow! We're all, like, really cool and stuff I guess! Yay!" Yelled Amethyst, getting to her feet. "Let's go walk around the school doing nothing because apparently we don't have a lot classes to get to."
"Ok." Said Mystic.
"Like, sure." Said Uberstrong.
"Meh." Said Pointy.
"Like, okay and stuff." Said Crystal with a majestic hair flip. Amethyst narrowed her eyes at Crystal. Crystal wasn't allowed to be prettier than her and stuff.
"Like, okay. Let's go!" The five dragonets then walked out of the infirmary and strolled down the hallway, going nowhere in particular. There were a bunch of bullies in the hallway that said mean things about hybrids and didn't have anything else to do with their lives so they made mean faces at them. Amethyst wanted to cry, but Uberstrong wrapped his wing around her and totally reassured her and stuff. I guess that made Amethyst feel better or whatever. Suddenly, as they were nearing the library, Darkstalker's voice came in her head.
Like, OMG. I can't accept that you're more powerful than me. Somehow I know about this even though I didn't before. I guess I'm super extra magical. But now I'm totally free somehow and am gonna kill some random dragons for no reason. Like, don't try to stop me or whatever.
"Like, oh no!" Cried Amethyst, stopping in her tracks and clasping her snout with her talons dramatically because that's a thing she does. The author had immediately transitioned to the climax because rising action was far too boring.
"Like, what is it and stuff?" Asked Crystal with a gorgeous hair flip.
"Yeah, let's, like, help you even though we have no idea what you need help with and have no fighting skill." Said Pointy. Uberstrong nodded his head in agreement.
"OMG, like, Darkstalker is free and is gonna kill some dragons!" She cried, sobbing her eyes out and leaning on Uberstrong for dramatic effect.
"Oh no!" Said Mysticdarkpoisonman, "We totally have to help you stop him even no we are literally no match for him!"
"Like, thanks and stuff, guys." Said Amethyst, and then they ran to the entrance hall to go fight with their magical noob skills.

" Said Amethyst, and then they ran to the entrance hall to go fight with their magical noob skills

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I totally forgot to publish this on Friday. But then again, I did tell you all to screw schedules. :D

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