Chapter 6

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When Amethyst and her friends raced outside and saw Darkstalker who had somehow escaped without his talisman, Crystalblueoceanwave gave a terrified shriek and Mysticdarkpoisonman gasped dramatically before fainting. Pointy was on her phone, and Uberwalkstronglegs was trying too hard not to look like he just wet himself.
OMG, like, I totally have to do this on my own and stuff. Because I have to protect my new friends.
"Like, if I don't come back or wherever, remember to tell my parents that it's over and they can't act like themselves again. Also tell them to send me pictures of my future little sister named Firefly to me when I totally go to heaven or something." Everyone except Pointy — who was listening to loud music and tuning everyone out — looked at Amethyst. It took them an entire minute to figure out what she was trying to say, during which Amethyst leaped off the random cliff that appeared there, fought Darkstalker, somehow magically killed him with her amazingly under-described powers and stuff, and then died for no reason.
Everyone at Jade Mountain was suddenly outside cheering and clapping and being happy that an ancient scary legend most of them had never heard of was gone. Crystal, Uberstrong, and Mystic started bawling their eyes out because Amethyst was such an amazing friend to everyone and they should mourn her death for millennia.
The End.
Amethyst woke up in an amazingly fluffy white landscape. Her head hurt a lot for some reason even though she was dead and shouldn't be able to feel anything. Amethyst staggered to her feet and looked around her. This place is nice. Amethyst thought, even though there was nothing but fluffy whiteness. Suddenly a figure materialized in front of her. It was a shimmery, rainbow colored dragon with a pink wand with a star and ribbon attached to the end clasped in his talons and beautiful, large, feathery white wings. For some reason he has these wings instead of normal dragon wings.
"HELLO, LITTLE AMETHYST." He said in a weird, high pitched, feminine voice. "I AM YOUR FATTY GUY MOTHER!" He exclaimed.
"Like, OMG! I've totally heard of you somehow!" Amethyst gasped, jumping up and down with excitement.
"GOOOOOD!" Said her Fatty Guy Mother, who only spoke in all caps.
"Can you, like, great me a wish and stuff?" Amethyst asked, batting her long, beautiful eyelashes and showing off her amazingly gorgeous rainbow eyes.
"OF COURSE! THAT IS WHAT IM HERE FOR, LITTLE CHILD." He bellowed, making Amethyst begin to clap her talons together happily. "BECAUSE YOU FOUGHT SO AMAZINGLY WELL AND WERE TOTS BRAVE AND STUFF," Her Fatty Guy Mother paused mid-sentence to perform a flawless hair flip because he apparently has hair now, "I GRANT YOU THIS WISH. WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR, CHILD?"
Amethyst knew exactly what to wish for. She needed to see it again. She needed to feel it again. She needed to use it again. One last time.
"I wish for the Magical Amazing Wonderful Beauty Awesome Everything Makeup Kit 2016! And I want the eye shadow section to be all in shades of pink. And also the lipstick." Her Fatty Guy Mother was really surprised.
"Oh. Yeah. That too." She said, waiting for her makeup and Jade Mountain to suddenly appear.
"Okay. That makes sense." Said AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws with a shrug. She then tied herself up and closed her eyes. Her Fatty Guy Mother kicked her, and she floated majestically down through the clouds.
When Amethyst opened her eyes there was an ultimate ultra beauty and makeup kit sitting in front of her. And also her friends. She made out with Uberstrong.
The End.
I might continue the story just to kill all you readers. XD
(Why did I make this)

 XD(Why did I make this)

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