Chapter 2

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Glory and Deathbringer knew about Amethyst's powers, so just to make sure their beautiful, awesome, and very royal daughter was safe and comfortable, they were going to send Moonwatcher to the school as well. Because apparently they knew about Moon's powers all of a sudden.
"Be safe, my gorgeous darling!" Her mother had said, bawling her eyes out and and waving goodbye with a handkerchief clasped in her talons. Queen Glory had sent the King to accompany their daughter to the school. Glory had had very important queenly things to do, so she couldn't go herself. Now AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws and her father, King Deathbringer, were flying towards Jade Mountain. Amethyst babbled on and on about her insecurities to her father, knowing he would most definitely understand and stuff. He occasionally muttered "uh huh" and nodded his head, so Amethyst thought that meant he understood. But she wanted to be sure.
"Like, dad?" She asked, batting her gorgeously long eyelashes that were magically there somehow even though dragons didn't have eyelashes.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Is, like, something on your mind?" Deathbringer turned to her, sighing.
"No, dear. Nothing's wrong." But AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws was magical and knew he was lying. She could read it in his thoughts.
What is wrong with Glory? Went his thoughts. Why is she so sappy and out of- his train of thought abruptly ended as the author smacked him from behind the scenes. His thoughts then cleared their nonexistent throat and continued. What I meant to think was that I'm SO very worried for AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws. She's our only daughter and I can't bare to LOSE HER! A single tear trailed down her father's cheek, and Amethyst gave him a hug as they flew because apparently she's very extremely magical and can do that.
"Like, don't worry dad. I'll be fine and stuff." Said Amethyst as she began to cry for some reason, too. "I'll have Moon to help me with my powers and stuff and the other dragonets of destiny can help me if I get bullied or whatever." Her father sighed.
"I know, sweety " he replied, worried about his daughter's lingual precision.

When they had finally reached Jade Mountain, Amethyst and her father landed outside the entrance cave.
"Like, OMG and stuff!" Cried Amethyst, clasping her talons over her ears, "It's so loud!"
I do hope my gorgeous daughter will be okay, Went Deathbringer's thoughts. I hope being around all these other dragons won't be too painful for her.
"Like, I'll be fine, dad. Stop worrying already." Said AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws, snapping her talons very sassily. Her father gave her a strange look until the author threatened him from behind the scenes again.
"Ok, beautiful. Be careful and make sure to let us know if you feel uncomfortable. Your mother and I can totally come and get you if you don't like it here or are getting bullied." Said Deathbringer, wrapping one wing around his daughter and pushing her to the entrance of the school.
"Have fun and write often!" He said, shoving her forward and quickly taking off, flying as fast as he possibly could towards the rainforest. His thoughts read, I have to get out of this place. Nothing is making sense anymore, as he flew away. Amethyst wondered ignorantly what was wrong before entering the school very shyly because apparently that adverb describes how she acts now.
"Like, OMG!" Wailed AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws as she saw how many other students were there. There were like, a million! Feeling distressed and anxious and lightheaded, Amethyst suddenly noticed black spots appearing on her vision and one of her talons flew to her forehead just before she fainted beautifully and majestically.

 There were like, a million! Feeling distressed and anxious and lightheaded, Amethyst suddenly noticed black spots appearing on her vision and one of her talons flew to her forehead just before she fainted beautifully and majestically

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