Chapter 3

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AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws woke up in the school infirmary, a worried looking group of dragonets leaning over her.
Like, are you Ok and stuff? Asked a voice in her head, startling Amethyst into a sitting position.
OMG! Like, who said that?
Ugh, like, don't freak out. It's just me, Moon.
OMG! Moon! You're here! Like, what happened?
Uh, duh I'm here. I'm supposed to be, like, taking care of you or something. And you can just ask the nurse, I can't solve all your problems. Amethyst almost cried. Why was Moon being so mean and stuff?
"OMG! What happened?" She asked the Jade Mountain Academy nurse, ignoring the other dragonets in the room.
"You fainted in the entrance to the school. Some of the other students found you and brought you to my office." The school nurse was one of the RainWing healers from back home. She was a pale yellow with splashes of pink around her wings and legs. Amethyst wondered what her name was. She'd never met this RainWing.
"Like, who are you?" She asked, still ignoring the other dragonets in the room and forgetting she was telepathic.
"My name is Yogurt, you probably wouldn't know me. I started working at Jade Mountain before you were born."
"Oh. Good for you." Said Amethyst, wondering why she cared about the nurse's name in the first place. Then, and only then, did Amethyst register the fact that there were other dragonets in the room. "Like, hey! Are you the students who totally and heroically saved me?" She asked.
"Yeah. We are." Said the one closest to her. There were four dragonets in total, and one of them looked like a crossbreed. The dragonet who had spoken (the crossbreed) looked like a cross between a MudWing and a SkyWing, with a large flat head, large wings, dark red scales, and lots of muscles and stuff. The second dragonet was a SeaWing with shiny dark blue scales and royal swirls on her wings. The third dragonet was a NightWing with purplish scales and silvery teardrop scales by his eyes, just like Moon and Fatespeaker. The last dragonet in the room was a SandWing, and she didn't exactly look like she wanted to be there. She had whitish scales and a normal SandWing tail. She was very normal.
"That's so cool! Let's be friends! My name is Princess AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws of the RainWings and NightWings of the Rainforest. But you can call me Amethyst if you want. What are your names?"
"My name is Uberwalkstronglegs." Said the MudWing/SkyWing. "But you can call me Uberstrong."
"My name is Princess Crystalblueoceanwave," said the SeaWing, "But you can call me Princess Crystal." Princess Crystal tossed her head very beautifully after she was done speaking.
"My name is Mysticdarkpoisonman. But I guess you can call me Mystic." Said the NightWing.
"And my name is Pointyqueenambergris." Said the SandWing. "But call me Pointy." Pointy tossed her head and looked down at her black painted talons at the same time because she could do that.
"You're all, like, gonna be my very best friends and stuff! I totally trust you even though I just met you!" Said AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws with much excitement.

"You're all, like, gonna be my very best friends and stuff! I totally trust you even though I just met you!" Said AmethystBeautyGlimmerClaws with much excitement

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