[5] Dinner Betrothal

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It was already dinner. Once again the houses Lannister and Pythios dined together. The only people missing were Prince Tommen and Queen Ravenna.
The table consisted of King Joffrey, Cersie, Jaime, Tyrion, And of course Tywin and Edon.
Tywin eyed his children and stood up.

"Everyone. Edon and I have an announcement to make. We have agreed to unite our houses. Ravenna will marry Tommen" immediately the table burst into loud noises, mostly from Cersie.

"Who says Tommen will marry Ravenna? I never agreed to this." She yelled angrily yet calmly.

"Cersei, you always said that you wanted your sons to become king's, now that Tommen is betrothed to Ravenna, he has that chance." Cersei thought about what her father said. It is true and with both her sons becoming kings, she would be unstoppable. Her family will be the most powerful in all of the kingdoms. She calmed down slightly and nodded at her father.

"You're right. But I have one request Lord Edon. I want the two married before Joffrey and Margaery's wedding." Joffrey's eyes shit to his mother as he stared her down with fury.

"What? Why? My wedding should be the top priority!" He screamed loudly causing Edon to flinch.

"Your grace, we have to go back home as soon as possible. We will stay for your wedding then we will leave soon after." He assured the young king.

"look at it as we are saving the best for last" Tywin added in. Joffrey thought for a minute before a smirk made its way on his face as he leaned back in his chair.

"You're right grandfather. Mine will be even bigger and more grand than Tommens" Edon shifted in his seat as he let Joffrey talk over his own daughter. If he even speaker back to the king, who knows what his anger will do to him.

"It is done. They shall wed next moon" Cersie smirked and sipped her wine. Soon her family will rule both countries and she will be unstoppable.

Super short but I just wanted to make this a chapter. I promise the next will be longer.

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