[7] My King

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I ran out crying. Luckily no one was around to see it. A queen must never cry. It only shows weakness. But i was no queen. I somehow found myself back in my chambers. I burst through my doors and the eyes of my handmaidens widen as they see the salty tears roll down my face.

"Your Grace..." They muttered softly. The three of them rush to my side as they guided me onto my bed. Sabe kneeled infront of me and placed her hands on either side of my face. "My friend, what is the matter?" She stared at me comfortingly. I sniffed and wiped my eye.
"I'm betrothed" I announce, keeping my head down. "That's good news, is it not?" Rosalyn, my youngest asked.
"Lord Edon promised that her grace is to wed whom ever she chooses. Whether he be from high or lowborn family" Sabe explained to Rosalyn. A knock was soon heard. One of my girls stood up and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" I called out. "Prince Tommen your grace" I contemplated whether to let him in or not.
"Let him in" I decided. Rosalyn steps aside and let's Tommen in. In his arms he carried ser pounce. He smiled brightly until he saw the solemn look on my face.
"Can you leave us for a moment ladies?" He asked politely never tearing his gaze away from me. The rest of my maidens hurriedly walked out of my chambers leaving Tommen and I alone. He quickly rushed to my side, letting his cat down on my bed.
"What is wrong? Has something happened?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head.
"It's nothing. Just a small fight with father" I shrugged. But he doesn't seem convinced. "I know when you're lying to me" I furrowed my brows. "How do you know I'm lying?" I asked curiously.
"You twiddle your thumbs when you lie. You probably shouldn't do that in future conversations" he said in a teasing manner. A small smile broke onto my face and I laughed quietly. I looked at him as his face becomes serious again
"Now what's the matter?" He urged. I knew I could trust him. I had to trust him.
"My father lied to me" I muttered in distaste. He raised one of his eyebrows
"About what?" I took in a deep Breath before answering.
"Our betrothal" silence fell upon us. He reached his hand over and laid it onto mine gently. "I'm sorry if I'm not the man you wanted" he spoke sadly. I shook my head quickly. "No it's not that. My father promised that I can marry for love not for wealth or power" he nodded, understandingly. A short but of silence fell us in which he also interrupted.
"Close your eyes" he ordered. "What?" I asked confused. He only smiled back.
"Close your eyes" he repeated himself. I decided to agree to his commands and closed my eyes. I feel a cold metal being placed against my chest and his hands brushing over my neck. As soon as I feel his hands off my neck, I opened my eyes and peered down To see a silver necklace of a stag.
"It's lovely but why are you giving me this?" He reached over and held onto both of my hands as he looks me in the eye
"I promise you that I will love you until the day I die. I know you want to be married for love and I hope you will learn to love me as I will learn to love you" I feel my heart flutter. No one has ever said that to me before. I stood up and walked over to a drawer containing my jewelry. I pulled out a single ring that stood out. It was a gold ring with the carvings of a snake on it.
I walked back to where he sat on my bed and grabbed his hand pulling him up. I slid the ring onto his right ring finger. He looked down in awe.
"That ring has been passed down to every king of Archlend. Since I'm the heir and a girl, I can't wear it. I'm only a queen" I explained the history behind the ring. He starred at me in confusion
"Then why are you giving this to me?" I smiled and placed my hands gently on each side of his face.

"Because you're my king"

Silver Crown ➳ Tommen BaratheonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя