[3] Late night Gardens

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My eyes grew slightly as I take Tommen in. His, doing the same before returning shortly. "Your graces, I'd like to introduce you to my the rest of my family." Cersie smiles politely. I nodded letting her continue.

"This is Jaime my twin brother" she motioned to Jaime. A bizzare emotion in her eyes. She moves onto the small man next to Jaime. "My younger brother, Tyrion" I noticed a hint of disgust in hear voice. Her vision averted onto Tommen. A look of adoration replaced her once sour look. "And my youngest, Prince Tommen" I smiled. Soon our food arrived. It was a fairly quiet dinner. Father and Tywin made small conversation. As does the queen with I.
Finally Dinner ends as Father and I say goodnight to the Lannister's and Baratheon's. I was escorted back into my chambers and my maids quickly changed me into a chemise. My hair was released from all its braids. I slipped into bed but did not close my eyes. I stared at the ceiling just thinking.
Seconds passed then minutes. Minutes turned to hours. I sighed giving up on sleep. I slowly stepped out of bed. I slipped on a robe and decided to wander back to the gardens.
I poked my head out, making sure no one is in sight. I recalled the steps I took to go their. Soon I came faced with the garden. In the dark I could see a silhouette of a person, sitting in the same spot I was in earlier. I quietly walked forth and see non other than Tommen. But it seems he hasn't been aware of my presence.

"Can't sleep?" I questioned him. He whips his head around and his eyes stare into mine in bewilderment.

"Your grace. I didn't see you there" he bowed his head respectfully.

"Sorry for startling you" I continued once his eyes met mine again.

"It's alright your grace" he stuttered. I giggle as I stepped forth and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Tommen. Ravenna is just fine. I'm still the same girl you met earlier" I smiled, reassuring him. He just looked at me with the same nervous eyes.

"Yes but that was before I found out you were the queen" he said emphasizing when he said queen. I sighed as I took a seat beside him

"Sorry if I lied to you. I just didn't know how you would be like if you found out who I was" I muttered as my eyes fell
To the lone strand of hair resting in my lap. I began to twirl it around as I feel his eyes on me.

"What do mean?" He asked. I looked up and bit my lip.

"No one here knows who I am. It gives me a better chance at making friends" I smiled sadly.

"Do you not have many friends back in Archlend?" I shook my head.

"No. Most of the people I considered friends are only their to use me for their benefits" silence fell between us. It felt like ages before he finally talked again.

"People use me too" he muttered softly as he stared off. He chuckled deeply.

"I guess we both have something in common" he joked. I chuckled softly and nodded.

"I guess we do" I smiled. I never really got a good look on him before. But now that I'm sitting beside him, I just realized how handsome he actually is. His blonde hair was messy and he had deep blue eyes. He was lean and tall.
I realized I'd been staring at him for sometime now and I quickly looked down so he can't see my rosy cheek.

"Ravenna?" I lifted my head up. He started scratching the back of his neck.

"Would you like me to give you a tour around the palace tomorrow after breakfast?" My Already redden cheeks turned even redder. I nodded and smiled.

"I would like that very much Tommen"

Silver Crown ➳ Tommen BaratheonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang