[2] Pretty Cat

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I carefully looked down both corridors and quietly slipped out of my bed chambers. I had no where to go. Just wanted to look around the palace. I turned a corner and saw a beautiful garden. I slowly walked forward and admired the roses. There were flowers of every kind. From Carnation to Daffodils. All equally beautiful.
I took a seat on a bench and watched as birds flew from tree to tree. Everything was at peace. Until a heard a soft purring.
I felt something rubbing against me leg. I looked down and see a small cat. I smiled down at it and picked them up, sitting it beside me.

"Hello pretty Cat" I cooed. I gently stroke it's fur. He purred in satisfaction.

"You know I have a kitty just like you. Except she's white. But she's equally as pretty as you are" I giggled. I hear running footsteps coming near. The cats ears perked up.

"Is that your friend?" I questioned. I turn my head and see a boy running towards us. He kneeled down and the cat pounced into his arms.

"Don't ever run away like that. You're lucky Joffrey didn't see you" the boy lectured his cat. He finally looked up and see myself sitting on the bench.

"Oh I'm sorry. I hope he hasn't caused you any trouble" he asked worriedly. I shook my head.

"He was lovely" I assured him. Yet he still looked nervous.

"Did you come with the queen of Archlend? I've never seen you before" he questioned. Should I tell him who I am? Or should I lie to get out of trouble? I chose the latter.

"Yes I came with the queen. My name is Ravenna" I smiled as did he.

"My name is Tommen. And this-" he gestured to his cat.
"Is ser pounce" I giggled.

"Would you like to join ser pounce and I for a walk around the palace?" Tommen offered.

"I would love to but I really must get going. I'm not exactly suppose to be outside of my room" I rubbed my arm nervously. He chuckled and nodded.

"Maybe some other time. Do you know how to get back to your chambers?" I shook my head and laughed nervously.

"I'm actually in the queens room"

"Oh your one of her lady in waiting?" I nodded, deciding to just go along with him.

"Oh well follow me" he held out his arm for me while his other held ser pounce. I clutched his arm as we walked down a few hallways. I tried making a mental map in my mind but there were to many to remember. Soon we stopped in front of the queen's room. Well my room but he doesn't know that. I let go of his arm and knocked on the door. Soon my handmaiden, Dilia opened the door. I turn towards Tommen and smiled once more.

"Until we meet again Tommen" walked back into my room and closed my door. My maidens, Lysa and Sabe came rushing over.

"Where have you been? Your brother came here earlier asking for you. I told him you were taking a bath" Lysa argued. Dilia came running to the girls squealing.

"Our queen has found her king" All girls began squealing to themselves including Lysa who was just angry with me a few seconds ago.

"Girls quiet down. I haven't found my king yet"

"Then who was that boy that brought you here?"

"He was only helping me. I got lost and he offered to help me get back here. Now please let us drop the matter." I walked around them and grabbed the dress laying on my bed. It was a simple red dress. It was tight fitting up top and very flowy at the bottom. I sat on my vanity as my ladies began braiding my hair into a high bun. Minutes later, I hear a soft knocking on my door.

"Come in" I announced. The door opens revealing my brother. My ladies bowed their heads in respect. Sabe pulled up the final braid on my hair.

"Are you ready sister?" I sighed checking my reflection one last time. I nodded and stood up. He offered me his arm and I clutched onto it as we made our way through the corridors. We stopped infront of a large door with 2 guards standing rather side.

"I hope you have a good time sister" he lowered his head and placed a kiss on my temple. He walked down the same corridor we came from. I wish he can join us for dinner. He's a full brother to me.
The guards opened the the doors for me. I see everyone most seated. I took a seat at the head of the table, opposite of King Joffrey.

"Finally you're here Ravenna" my father scolded me.

"I'm so sorry I am late" I told everyone.

"It's alright your grace" Cersie smirked as she brought her glass of wine to her lips. The door opens behind me but I didn't turn around. I hear a pair of footsteps approach near.

"Brother you're late" Joffrey sneered.

"Sorry. It won't happen again" I hear the familiar voice from earlier. The empty chair on my left slid and there sat the boy from earlier, Tommen

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